This editor allows you to edit the difficulty config files for Cricket 2005.With a simple interface and full details on how to edit your AI, the editor allows to to easily edit aspects according to your choice.
To install the Easy AI Editor,you need to extract all the contents of the file to a directory of your choice.Then double click on the Easy AI Editor.exe file to start the editor.

Note:This editor requires the .Net Framework V2.0 which can be found here.

Walkthrough on using the editor
To make an AI from scratch follow these steps:

1)Open the editor and make changes in the scroll bars for each value.

2)To understand what each attribute means and how it affects the AI,hover the mouse over the white labels(such as Difficulty Level) and a small desciption of the attribute should pop up.

3)Edit all the bars accordingly.

4)Use the Save AI option to save the AI.

4)Use these steps to find out the appropriate filename for your AI:

               a)If the AI made has been designed for a Limited Overs game then the file name starts with a prefix of l.(L for Limited).If it has been designed for unlimited overs however (4-day or 5-day games) then the file name should be started with a prefix of u.(U for Unlimited)

               b)The AI needs to be prepared for 3 different levels in the game: easy,normal and hard.So when the player chooses to use any of the difficulty levels a new AI is in the game for that particular difficulty.So the files haved to be named as easy,normal or hard accordingly.

File Names for different AI's:

These are the filenames for the different AI files:

  u_easy (For Unlimited overs,easy difficulty mode)

  u_normal (For Unlimited overs,normal difficulty mode)

  u_hard (For Unlimited overs,hard difficulty mode)

  l_easy (For Limited overs,hard difficulty mode)

and similarly l_normal and l_hard for normal and hard difficulty modes in limited overs.

Final Steps and playing with your AI:

After youve made one or more .cfg files using the editor,you need to import the file into the 2bb7ad25c9aa96dc7b6f670d84a4df83.big AI file (the original file has been provided along with the editor,so you may choose to just make the changes in these).To do this however you need to use a tool called BigGui and open the above mentioned .big file using it.Delete any existing .cfg files that you are willing to replace with your own and import your own .cfg files.

After this has been done,simply place your .big file into the root directory of the EA Sports Game(Eg:C:\Program Files\EA Sports\EA Sports Cricket 2005\(your big file here)).Now its all done and ready to be tested in game.

Editing Exisiting AI's:

Use the import AI option to import the existing AI and make any changes that you want to.Follow the same steps from here on as in the Editing AI from scratch section.

Note:It is requested however that you do not use an existing AI from another patchmaker,edit it and release the AI.It would be deemed as plagiarism which would mean severe punishment.For guidelines on the values,you can use the default AI files attached with this editor and make changes to these.

AI Editing mainly improves with more and more tweaking of your AI,finding out what areas need tweaking and then updating them.It is fairly easy to implement and only require sparing a bit of time.For in-depth details on all these values and even more on AI editing,please visit this tutorial by Boss.
The editor has required the help of many people who have helped backstage for the development and improvement of the editor.

Kev has sacrificed a lot of time in designing the editor and all graphical credit goes to him.

Colin aka Barmyarmy for helping provide with continous support and tips for improvement as well as sharing secrets on improving the editor and its general quality.The template of this readme is also credited to him.

PlanetCricket Patchteam and Staff:For testing the AI and providing frequent feedback.Special thanks to the AI pathers for providing their useful input.A terrible apology in case I forgot to mention anyone else here.

Legal stuff
The Easy AI Editor is Copyright PlanetCricket 2006.If any of the sites other than Planetcricket and its network wishes to use or provide the Editor,they may not do so without the prior notification of the creator.Any such findings shall be dealt with very severely.To contact the author of the Editor for suggestions and any other matter regarding the editor please send an email here