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  1. Whaper41

    My Batting Advice

    I find that batting tips will help you to be a valuable member of your team
  2. Whaper41

    DBC17 Academy Save Editor

    When you are not able to run the game for the first time
  3. Whaper41

    Can I save a game when playing half way through it?

    I'm probably half way through the game
  4. Whaper41

    Legit Free Game Thread

    Free games these days can be pretty darn good
  5. Whaper41

    1.6 Billion dollar lottery win......

    Many people thinking If I could JUST win the lottery but yet ...
  6. Whaper41

    Questions & Answers.

    When you need a smile, what is your therapy? Petting your dog? Picking flowers
  7. Whaper41

    What Really annoys You!

    Q: Which three issues annoy you the most?
  8. Whaper41

    Champions League/European Competition Thread

    What is the strangest champions League/ European Competition you’ve ever seen?