Cricket 24 - General Discussion

Bytheway folks what will be the 2 fav audios features in cricket22-2.0 ???
Maybe it will be in the form of voice recognition and the ability to appeal via the camera or microphone with your console or to ask for reviews the same way.

Or utilising AI so that we can put our own player names into the game and the AI will simulate the actual recorded commentators saying the names of the created players.

No both of those would be too much surely!
If there is scope to tweak things after release I also have no doubt they will.

I remember spending hours with one of the devs last year stopping the last ball smash and the AI going lofted once in the 30's.

We will never no the constraints etc that go on behind the scenes.

I just find it hard to justify little things like Warner still right handed. It almost seems careless to ignore that.

I do fear the current build engine or whatever it may be may be at its limits for what it can do..

For example I expect to still see rocket edges.

Agree on that, it’s commonly accepted that developers don’t really decide when and how long each game is supported and the release window for them… that’s left to the suits higher up and they often receive the blame for it regardless of them deserving it or not.

Another thing is that for all of the previous releases prior to 22… the games were still released with almost all features in despite how imperfect or buggy they were. The only exception I can think of to this is DBC 17 but I didn’t buy that one so I have no idea if it was released with all features promised in. Cricket 22 was the first one that lacked a few features that were originally announced or previously present in the series. It also had some strange downgrades (like the inability to choose the weather). Some of the licensed content was very poorly implemented and I’m pretty sure not all of the features were in at release although I can’t remember which ones weren’t. That’s generally not been the case for their previous releases and I think that’s why the game’s attracted more criticism than previously seen.
Them calling for Matt to reply, do you not realise what time it is in Australia right now.
Off topic but…

I’d be extremely wary of Fifa’s cycle, having been in that loop myself years ago. The game on release is always good, feels similar to real life football with the more methodical nature of it… and then the pros and content creators throw their toys out of the pram because their shiny new FUT cards obtained after spending hundreds of dollars don’t run over everyone else like they wanted them to after which EA simply patches the game to become more arcade-y and bork the game’s AI to exaggerate the ‘skill difference’ as the pros call it over there.

As frustrating as BA’s patching cycle is for how abruptly it ends often with no real warning… they’ve mostly tried to improve their game with each one of them even if the intended result hasn’t always been that. Can’t say the same about EA.
In my opinion, the patching for these two games is driven by different motivations. EA patches to enhance what's already good and make it even better, while BA seems to have struggled with its development, leading to a game that's been dragged through patches and eventually abandoned.

Although there's no direct comparison between the two in terms of brand, size, or think tank, it's not fair to let BA off the hook for its fundamental issues. They charge you the same, if not more, but fail to deliver a complete product. I don't doubt their intention, but when a game requires weekly patches, it's clear you've bought a half-baked product.

In comparison, EAFC has consistently improved with each of its previous titles and has never been in such disarray. By 'shambles,' I mean situations where players are unable to kick the ball or stand around it without running, a problem that plagued BA with Cricket 22 and appears unaddressed. If Cricket 24 repeats these issues, it would be audacious
Now this is the funniest thing I've read all year.
It's alright, to each their own. While EA remains a money-making machine, it consistently delivers a superior product compared to what BA offers. I wouldn't be surprised if you find Cricket 24 satisfactory.

As an avid cricket fan, it's frustrating to see the same issues persist across titles, and BA doesn't seem to care
It's alright, to each their own. While EA remains a money-making machine, it consistently delivers a superior product compared to what BA offers. I wouldn't be surprised if you find Cricket 24 satisfactory.

As an avid cricket fan, it's frustrating to see the same issues persist across titles, and BA doesn't seem to care
I'll judge the game when I've played it, but my satisfaction will be linked to my expectations.

I think a lot of people have unrealistic expectations and set themselves up for disappointment.
Dire...i mean honestly...dire.

Two years later and you cant even give us a new UI/scoreboard?

Lefties warming up right handed, same animations, everything thats already been said...and you bang on about how your great "licenses" will let me play as Oman.

Yeah, cheers.

Its nothing more than Cricket 22 with the most minor of changes and a World Cup cash grab - but we knew all this, and they didnt disappoint in disappointing did they?

Wont get a penny out of me.
If this was intended to be shown in June and if they have worked on this considerable since then till now then there is a small hope. If it's something recently shot then it's nothing but a scam.
youtuber looked at the date of windows on the pc playing the game in the diary vid... 25 Sept 2023 so last week.... eish
Twitter comments on dev story is not promising about cricket 24.looks like even before releasing game getting disastrous ahahhah

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