Search results

  1. Zidanes

    Hidden Google

    There are some really cool tricks which are hidden in Google. Have a look - 1. Do a Barrel Roll: Google users were delighted recently by the discovery of a new Search trick, ?do a barrel roll?. Just go to, type in ?do a barrel roll? (or ?z or r twice?), and your whole screen...
  2. Zidanes

    Most Anticipated Game of 2012?

    Choose your most anticipated game of 2012, and if its not listed click other and list it below.
  3. Zidanes

    The Most Beautiful Place You've Been

    Where is the most beautiful place you've been, in the geographical sense? I've been to Key West. I think Key West is beautiful, in particular, because it's nothing like the rest of Florida which, in my opinion, is like a mens bathroom that George Michael would probably be seen at. I also...
  4. Zidanes


    OPTICAL ILLUSION(post any good illusions, if you know) 1. Stare at the red star on the girl?s nose for 30 seconds 2. Turn your eyes towards the wall/roof or somewhere else on a plane surface 3. Keep blinking your eyes! 4. Tell me what you see! Uploaded with ------...
  5. Zidanes


    Uploaded with Without Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 ? October 5, 2011) we would have: No iProducts No over expensive laptops Without Dennis Ritchie (September 9, 1941 ? October 12, 2011) we would have: No Windows No Unix No C No Programs A large setback in computing...
  6. Zidanes

    Accidental Love

    Love can come anywhere and any time whether you mean for it to or not. Usually when you don't mean it to. As for me, I fell in love with my exgirlfriend's best friend. Have any of you accidentally fallen in love with someone that maybe you werent supposed to or totally never expected to?
  7. Zidanes

    Can You?

    A thread to discuss about the famous puzzle around named RUBIK's cube. I can solve it at an average of about 1min 45sec, trying harder to improve and get to 30sec. Hey guys, can you solve it?
  8. Zidanes

    No.1 donater of Vcash.

    Whom do you think is the no.1 donator of Vcash.. I have 2 people in my list. 1. apsamrit (he donated me 1 million):yes 2. hMarka (every time donating millions leaving me:p):clap Here's the list of top donaters (Thanks to Matt) zMario 10843783516 Gobi 7442514441 max_dillon2007...
  9. Zidanes

    Requests Accepted Aditya's Graphic Thread-My first wallpaper

    Here's my first ever sig, Please don't forget to comment.