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  1. Huegel

    Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Open Beta 2

    Downloading now. Was very impressed with Beta 1, so I am sure this will just be adding to the goodness. lol Thanks for the continued work Transmission. :thumbs:
  2. Huegel

    AC09 Player Editor - V1.0 in first post

    Congrats on reaching Version 1.0. Great App. Thanks a lot.
  3. Huegel

    AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

    Wow, what a difference a patch makes. I just decided to play day one of a test match to see what was new and my word, how different. It really felt like i was in a test match. The run rate was nice and steady at 3 and a half an over, though it did creep up slightly by the end of the day...
  4. Huegel

    James Blake vs Tommy Robredo

    Bump. The money's burning a hole in my vWallet :D
  5. Huegel

    The LBW/Bowled Video/Discussion Thread

    So far, in 20 test matches, I've had 2 lbw, 1 bowled. I remember because they're such a rarity, I thought I was just really bad at bowling. :laugh
  6. Huegel

    The LBW/Bowled Video/Discussion Thread

    No pictures, but I got a brilliant bad LBW shout given when bowling with Steyn against Strauss. When I watched it in real time, I was convinced it was nothing more than a hopeful shout, so I damn near fell off my chair when the Umpire gave it out. Hawkeye showed it was going down the leg side...
  7. Huegel

    Farewell Transmission Games! and best of luck for future.

    PC user only here, so I've not had the good fortune to try the demo yet. All the reviews sound positive, but I'd be a fool to say 'thanks' before I've tried their product for myself. They can thank me at the moment, as it is on pre-order on the strength of their interviews. ;) After I've...
  8. Huegel

    Review Demo impressions thread

    I totally agree. From watching the vids, Aggers commentary actually seems to be lifted in one fell swoop from Brian Lara 99: ;) YouTube - Brian Lara Cricket 99 - India v Ireland God i loved that game, used to love if you left the game between overs, the commentators would start an in depth...
  9. Huegel

    What System/Console will you get Ashes 2009 for?

    I don't own a console so that leaves PC. :)
  10. Huegel

    Guess the Face :s

    ok my guess: Anderson, Cook, Swann? the English player in sunhat with back to us; i'll guess at Pietersen <shrug> and the other i have no clue.
  11. Huegel

    Copy Protection/ DRM for PC version

    I forgot about drm, good question. I wonder if they've got any plans to use Steam? At any rate, anything but starforce. :upray
  12. Huegel

    What would be your first match in Ashes cricket 2009?

    South Africa vs England for me, I'll be controlling SA. As for stadium, probably at Lords.
  13. Huegel

    Transmission new pictures?

    crowds look sufficiently sparse, which is a nice touch, instead of the packed stadia of other titles and I <shock, horror> like the Monty representation. Great find, thanks for sharing. Getting closer.
  14. Huegel

    Review Playtest Review/Preview(Review Links, Updated in First Post)

    Thanks for the reviews and answering all our questions lads. I really appreciate you giving us the lowdown, and also thanks to Codies for letting these lads have some hands on time, and letting them tell us all what they thought. Looking forward to playing it myself soon.
  15. Huegel

    New Screenshots (18 June)

    Great shots but, quickly putting my nitpicking cap on, I do have to say that I really didn't know who the England player was until I moused over the link. I can see it now I know though, but one thing I really do have to question is: why does KP seem to be about 2 foot shorter than he is in...
  16. Huegel

    AC 2009 UK Game Cover and Release Date

    Any cover with KP on it gets a nod of approval from me. Good stuff.
  17. Huegel

    New (Proper) Gameplay Video - Cricket Australia TV

    Well personally, I'm fairly pleased with what I'm seeing. Sure, there are still things that niggle, but no game is ever going to be perfect, we have real cricket for that. ;) I'm approaching this game optimistically. I'm buying on day of release and from what I've seen and read, I don't...
  18. Huegel

    Ashes Cricket 2009 Game Cover (AUS)

    looks good, hoping for a KP English release, but I suppose it's what's inside the box that matters...
  19. Huegel

    New Gamplay Video 29.05.2009

    Mark me down as another in the looks like it could be a real gem column. :) Thanks for the vid link.