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  1. P

    Michael Slater photograph

    Thanks Shailesh, it seems to have everyone but the one I want. It is probably in his new book, not got it yet. Nice Warnie pic btw :cool:
  2. P

    Michael Slater photograph

    I am having a picture made for a friend, I want a high resolution photograph of Michael Slater celebrating his 100 at Lords in the 2nd test in 1993. I have searched Getty images and cricinfo etc. with no joy. The image is being digitally enlarged to A2 size, full colour, so the higher res the...
  3. P

    BLC .bag Editing - Kits, bats etc.

    only just seen your question, looks like you have fixed it though, looks good. Any chance of making another helmet with the "old" badge, I tried but had problems with too many colour channels etc.
  4. P

    BLC .bag Editing - Kits, bats etc.

    Would be, if I could get the asics shoes and helmet right, tricky how the models are skinned, though.
  5. P

    BLC .bag Editing - Kits, bats etc.

    Work in progress Aus test kit, ignore the helmet as I have yet to work it out.
  6. P

    Hariz's BLIC downloads !!!

    Kits look excellent. Regarding the helmet issue, we had this problem when we first began editing Ea cricket 2002, it is a transparancy issue, I can not recall how it was fixed, sorry. If I recall, it also was a problem with certain gfx cards, some showed the white blocking,with others it was fine.
  7. P

    Lucky's BLIC/RPIC Downloads!

    I would imagine there is away of allocating specific bats, even in unlicensed mode. I have no idea how, until the config/data files are uncompressed. I assume it can be done because Ponting and Lara use correct bats in every mode, because they are "licensed" in every mode, I guess.
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    barmyarmy's Kit Downloads

    Photoshop 7, with plug-in. Here is a pic of the error I get when importing an edited shirt
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    barmyarmy's Kit Downloads

    Has another go, when I try to import them in to the bag, shirt sleeves short, back in to Eng test alt, when edited, it says " file size too long".
  10. P

    barmyarmy's Kit Downloads

    Edit a test kit, using Eng alt test as a "template", ste's version ie putting Travelex logo over Vodafone etc. Try to import it in to the bag and it says file too long or something, despite being the same size ie. 342kb. Try another method, saving as png then generating minimaps to dds, gives a...
  11. P

    barmyarmy's Kit Downloads

    Liking the Aus test kit. Can I offer a few suggestions? I have tried to get the kit done myself but have reached a dead-end with parsing issues. If possible incorporate the Fila logo on the right sleeve, player initials (I know they will be the same for each player) on the same sleeve and test...
  12. P

    Demo Expander is here

    Great work, thanks for this.
  13. P

    Favorite cricket moments

    1. Michael Slater celebrating his hundred at Lords 1993. 2. Test series in the West Indies 1995. Australia winning at last. 3. 2001 test series in India. The batting of Laxman was imperious. A great series. 4. An innings by Andrew Flintoff versus Surrey for Lancs in 2002(?), some of the...
  14. P

    Cricket Quiz

    Season 1988-89
  15. P

    Cricket Quiz

    Sorry ZoraxDoom, you can have this as your question, just pretend, no-one will know!!
  16. P

    Cricket Quiz

    Well played ZoraxDoom, bad luck Shailesh :) Must be some sort of record I think for Martyn, very consistent but rarely grabs the headlines Good thread this one, whos next? Ok, I will bowl another: In which season was "stumpcam" first used in first class cricket?
  17. P

    Cricket Quiz

    Here goes: Which current Australian test batsmen, had to wait over 10 years and 40 tests, from making his debut, to win his first man of the match award? (Despite never averaging under 40.00 in that period)
  18. P

    What difficulty will you first play the game?

    Nets on normal, get the hang of the control system, then in to a series of 5 tests, Aus v India :boxing
  19. P

    An excellent breakthrough I suppose - We can now control the gameplay

    These improvements sound like excellent news, well done Kiwi. Could I request that Jonah send the configs on to me, Many thanks. Paul