Scratch Bat making tutorials.


Executive member
Apr 9, 2006
New Delhi, India
Although i am no scratch bat maker, i thought it would be good if i discuss what i have learnt till now.

I would be making only the back side of the sg sunny tunny in photoshop.

Fist of all , you need to reduce the pointer speed in control panel.

Then open photoshop, open the 4gb template and open the sg raw file ( it is my own bat 2gb in this case,) and also open the back wood texture file, i am attaching one.

Extend the back side of the bat on the template.

Zoom in the main sg photo and use the rectangular marquee tool to select the main logo

Paste the logo in the template and free transform.

Now zoom in as muxh as you can and select the polygonal lasso tool. It is better to zoom in so that if you even make minor mistakes in selecting the face, it is not that much deviated when you get back to the original side. Select the red portion that you need to paint.

Then use the eyedropper tool to select the shade of the area in the original photo and paint in in the selected prtion rigorously. Dont worry , the paint wouldnt go out of the selected portion.

It should now look something like this : -

Now similarly, use the same tools and colour the upper part. Now zoom in and use the lasso tool to select the outline and paint it black like this.

Then use the lasso tool to select the g and paint it black.

Then use the magic wand tool, with the white s and right click and click grow. Keep clicking this until you get the whole s selected, dont worry the black g wouldnt be selected. Paint the s white with the brush tool.

Copy the s below and repaint it in the same way and also copy it in the same way. Fianlly It should look something like this.


I have not completed the black outline and the whole bat because i was i a hurry. Any suggestions and corrections, please tell me, BECAUSE EVEN I AM STILL LEARNING. THANKS FOR REPLYING IN ADVANCE. If you people like it, please add it to the sticky tutorials list.
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Very Good Tutorial :clap :clap now the members who want to try bats from scratch can do so easily! :clap
We can make it this way only if the picture is straight!What if you have to make a Kookaburra bat of which I (and maybe no one!) havent been able to find a straight picture?? How will you make it?? Its not easy! You need a lot of photoshop skills..As you said in one other thread in the Cricket 2005 forum,you said that you dont know anything about photoshop...And if you dont know anything then how can you make a great bat like Burma??You can just dream of doing that! Burma has been using photoshop for many years,and then he has been able to create these bats and as he said he has to make them 2 or 3 times to get it right,You will have to make it 30 or 40 times to get it right or maybe more!
Karachi you are being very rude! and i seriosly hate you because of this! lol :p (sometimes) :D. He just tried come on.. i mean he never compared his self with Burma and i am sure no one will ever compare his self to Burma because Burma is a legend in bat making.. this poor guy just tried.. no need to be so rude to him!
LOL Farrukh!I am not being rude..I was just trying to say that its no use making such a tutorial...Because we know that any bat used by any international players is made by Burma!And we can use this tutorial only when we have straight pictures!Thats all I wanted to say!
well actually Karachi if u used ur brain then if there is a bent picture or as u say not a straight one u can make it straight by highlighting it....looks lik u hav less photoshop skills than him
Oh that was a cracker Punk :D:D:D:D must have hurt Karachi a bit.. but i guess its true!
Could we get back on topic please,there's no point discussing whether the tutorial is of any use or not,clearly the tutorial maker felt it necessary and hence he has posted it.
thanks u sid coz it did help me a bit on making things look sharper good work anywayz
hi but from scratch doesnt that mean u actually do that not highlight and change? thats what ive been doing, have i been making it harder for myself?
Karachi Express said:
We can make it this way only if the picture is straight!What if you have to make a Kookaburra bat of which I (and maybe no one!) havent been able to find a straight picture?? How will you make it?? Its not easy! You need a lot of photoshop skills..As you said in one other thread in the Cricket 2005 forum,you said that you dont know anything about photoshop...And if you dont know anything then how can you make a great bat like Burma??You can just dream of doing that! Burma has been using photoshop for many years,and then he has been able to create these bats and as he said he has to make them 2 or 3 times to get it right,You will have to make it 30 or 40 times to get it right or maybe more!

See , i never said i am competing with burma. He is a legend.
He has made many international bats. I know , maybe he has made all, but had everyone stopped making bats after him? Did darick stop, surendar, punk no one stopped, they still carried on. Burma is a legend, and i have learnt this from drewska and himself!!! I just made this tutorial so i could share my new skils with others. And about slanted photos, i think we have the crop tool. And because this was my first attempt, i copied, pasted and repainted. I am still learning and i am trying to master the polygonal lasso tool to make bats like kookaburra. Please have patience, i will share that also once i master it.

Thanks for showing interest. langerrox has already made an excellent tutorial, but this tutorial was basically for 4gb bats and bats from scratch. I would soon post a total bat from scratch tutorial. Please give any suggestions, corrections you have at any step
I agree that i said that i have no photoshop skills, but cant i learn that??? I made this tutorial to help upcoming bat makers.


Madsalty said:
Nice basic tutorial
Instead of using lasso tool use polygon lasso tool to get striaght lines. Magic Wand can be used to select a particular colour as in about pic. (red).

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