Curbs stay on Cricinfo in fresh IPL rules

vaibhav mehta

Chairman of Selectors
Sep 29, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Editorial operations of cricket websites, including Cricinfo, in covering the Indian Premier League will be severely restricted despite a considerable climbdown by the league on its accreditation guidelines for the print media and news agencies. A revised set of guidelines issued by the IPL on Tuesday offered major concessions to the print media and agencies but barred cricket websites from covering matches from the ground and using pictures provided by photo agencies.

Cricinfo, the world's largest cricket website with nearly ten million regular users, will have to, according to Lalit Modi, the IPL commissioner, buy images from a syndication service that will be provided by the "American company" that has bought the portal rights for the IPL. No conditions have been specified yet for this service.
..Full Story.


News broadcasters threaten IPL blackout
The Indian media's rocky relations with the Indian Premier League have taken a downward turn with the News Broadcasters Association (NBA), whose members control the major national news channels, deciding to put its coverage of the IPL on hold from Tuesday midnight until there is a resolution to problems related to coverage it had raised with league officials.

"As far as we are concerned, two issues need to be sorted out before we can go ahead with IPL coverage," Annie Joseph, the Association's secretary general, told Cricinfo. "One relates to access to footage and the other to accreditation guidelines."

It's understood that the channels are unhappy about the exhorbitant rates that are being charged for news clips and also the stipulation that footage can't be used in archival form.
...Full Story.

PS:Looks like IPL don't want to give even a Water bottle for free.:p
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Can't let any spare dollars go away (in relation to first quote). Hasn't there been problems before with the Indian media and the BCCI (or other related Indian cricket groups)? I seem to recall something around our last tour there.

PS; Just a side note, Vaiby. You only need the / in the quote tags at the end of a quote, don't need it on the first one.:)
Will they at least have live scores? I hope so. I am planning to see the first few matches before going to purchase the live video package (want to see how the matches pan out). There is a change in my decision coz I feel too much hype might just spoil the show.
Mistake!! Big mistake, they'll just alienate press and media organisations. Which isn't good.
Global news agencies to boycott IPL

Global news and photograph agencies will carry out their threat to boycott coverage of the Indian Premier League because of the restrictions on the distribution of photographs. Agencies are prohibited from providing photographs of the Twenty20 tournament to cricket-specific websites.

The News Media Coalition (NMC), the umbrella body that comprises global news and photograph agencies Reuters, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Getty Images, called the restrictions "discriminatory".

Full Story.
I think this can be an add-on to the 2nd part of the 1st post of this, rather than a new thread.

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