Tutsi 2 & Eddie V.2 merged(back foot shots)


School Cricketer
Jul 24, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
hey i combined both patches( Tutsi 2 & Eddie V.2) and its best uptill now
If u want i'll mail to u.Back foot cut,drive are merged

If someone gives me name of shots in big file(shota.saf..)i'll merge :hpraise backfoot glance from eddie to tutsi and some other shots. thanks :hpraise

(Tutsi 2 & Eddie V.2permission required)to put them online please give me :hpraise
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I think its a good idea. You have my full support only if you have taken the permission from both of them
Ashutosh Garg
Well its a good idea,but in a way its not fair as they both have done all the work in making the patch and u will get most of the credit for just combining the two patches.But if uve got their permissions then i have no objection to this idea.

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