Interview Thread March/April 2010 Hmarka-Question Time :D

How do you 'deal with' relatives or friends who are overly religious? You know the types - they go to Bible study twice a week and have religious signatures at the bottom of their emails about how God is great. What comments do you really feel like saying to them when they bring up God?
Do you think Sachin Tendulkar is God in disguise ?
Are you hot? Have you ever eaten a crayon? Do you have a tan? What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Has Obama delivered on his promises in your opinion, is he doing a good job? Also, describe your favourite pair of socks and why you like them so much.
I have 2 questions-

1. In a cricket match, England need 12 runs to win from last over to avoid first round exit in important tournament against USA who are nearing their first win against Test Nation teams. Which team will you support at that time?

2. If you have given a day to either a kill a men or meet a man you want. What will you do and who will be that men?
When am I going to be able to see your MW2 skills first hand?

And what is the greatest sporting moment you've seen live in the stadium? No doubt something from the Texas Longhorns.
How do you manage to be such a class arrogant here? your most hated member?

If you get a chance to have a trip to India which city you would like to visit here?
Do you think you have certainly got a 'celebrity' tag now with people asking you all sorts of questions on the forum?
Right, you're just wandering about one day when suddenly a masked gunman abducts you, you then wake up, your blindfold taken off and you're in a room with 2 men. The gunman holds his gun to your head and gives you a choice. Your first option is to go off with the other man, Graeme. He's a lovely little fella, nice shaven bald head, nice little Ben Sherman pink shirt, he works for an advertising company in Brighton, drives a sports car, and he loves you dearly.

You then have to live out the life of an outwardly gay man, spending the rest of your days with Graeme. Doing all the activity in the bedroom, going to the bars with him at 3 in the morning, cutting the back out of your leather pants out, just generally being affectionate towards eachother. You end up consummating your relationship with Graeme by getting married. At the end of the service the Vicar then decides to do what they used to do in 'olden times' but instead of saying "you may kiss the bride" he says "you may knob lovely Graeme", and this knobbing happens in-front of half of Brighton.

This may not sound like a fantastic option, and you may be thinking immediately that you'll go for the 2nd one. But, the 2nd option is that your close family and friends are killed, and you then have to live out the rest of your life with a monkey. Living in a tree, with a monkey, eating bananas, other fruit and nuts and just living your life all alone with the monkey.

Your choice. Graeme or Bobo?

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