Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Sorry by "mean it for sure" I meant would release for definite regardless of other considerations.

Otherwise you risk being seen as breaking your word.

Business requires flexibility. Long and medium term plans are always being revised in light of new information. You start out with intentions but it's absurd to think that they won't be subject to change.
Ross never gave his "word" on a release date; he told us his intention.


As for those saying we should be grateful to Ross I disagree. He is not doing us a favour. He makes his games to sell and return a profit. He is not being charitable towards us. Go check his comments he doesn't care about PC members as they are only a very small amount of his market. We are dispensable. So why kiss his behind?

Ultimately it's a two-way process. Ross knows that interaction with members here helps improve the game even if it doesn't improve the sales and we get to be part of the development process.
Of course he's trying to turn a profit but there's a symbiotic relationship here. The more successful the game it, the greater the chance is of a bigger and better sequel. Most people who are member here joined because they want a brilliant cricket game to be released. We've been saying for years that the way to achieve that is to work with the community and here is a developer who is.
Business requires flexibility. Long and medium term plans are always being revised in light of new information. You start out with intentions but it's absurd to think that they won't be subject to change.
Ross never gave his "word" on a release date; he told us his intention..

intention or not the wording was clear - not meeting that timescale will naturally cause people to think.

As I think you have yourself if I'm not mistaken?

He could easily have added some qualifiers to his statement - he chose not to do that.
Instead of criticizing for the release, we must appreciate the DBC team for the idea of developing dream cricket game. DBC team have already made us fan of them for implementing such an idea and taking cricket games to a new era.
Blind appreciation doesn't help anyone. It's okay to be critical, just the conversation goes far better when people make themselves aware of explanations already given.

He could easily have added some qualifiers to his statement - he chose not to do that.
If you could have foreseen the need for a 'unless Ashes Cricket 2013 releases and then makes front page news because of how bad it is' disclaimer, then I'm sure he would have tacked that on.
Thanks Matt.

The two builds on the other machines were compliant, as per Sony, and really had no major issues other than graphical issues where a ball might not seem to hit the bat and the like - the physics model was correct but the visualisation was out.

Ross, will this issue be addressed and fixed by the zero day patch? Correct bat-ball physics and graphics is an integral part of the core gameplay. Glitches in animations are acceptable but issues with bat-ball physics & graphics would be a bummer.
If you could have foreseen the need for a 'unless Ashes Cricket 2013 releases and then makes front page news because of how bad it is' disclaimer, then I'm sure he would have tacked that on.

A simple "probable release 2013" would have been enough I would think! :)

Just to show that there were other factors being accounted for (whatever they may be)
Ultimately it's a two-way process. Ross knows that interaction with members here helps improve the game even if it doesn't improve the sales and we get to be part of the development process.
Of course he's trying to turn a profit but there's a symbiotic relationship here. The more successful the game it, the greater the chance is of a bigger and better sequel. Most people who are member here joined because they want a brilliant cricket game to be released. We've been saying for years that the way to achieve that is to work with the community and here is a developer who is.

Yep completely agree, he gets genuine feedback and ideas from some guys here, which in someway helps the game become on level with the bigger budget games in terms of gameplay etc, personally this game looks great to me without bemoaning the lack of big budgets etc. if this turns out as good as it seems, I can only see progression long term. The sequel, won't need a huge budget either as most of what's been implemented in this will carry on to the next and after we have played it, and more feedback is given I can see a very steep upturn in the quality of the series. I'd like to see this become a huge success but I'd hate for it to become a big budget blockbuster where each year a game is thrown out for profit, FIFA for instance originally was a great game which got better every year because if the passion if the people behind it, nowadays I don't think it's gotten any better in the last 3/4 years. Bigant have more than made up for the lack of budget by implementing things to make the game playable for cricket fans, and I'd rather it continued to do so improving bit by bit than it lose some playability trying to look visually stunning!
It's been a hard year for Bigant facing ashes 2013 and what they have done to cricket games.:facepalm

My view is cricket games for the last 10 years have had a bad rep in the gaming world and this will continue
till a good to great game get's released more than once not just this release. If that's now or say next year makes little difference in my opinion. with cricket on tv now is the right move but as others have said Ross will have to reveal the release date this week or there is just no time left to move.

People will be upset if it does miss this year and i will be one of you but in the end there is no other cricket games coming so just deal with it as best you can without trying to piss Ross off everyday.

The last 2 days has just been attacks to Ross and then he does the same back, i hope we can all get on and just focus on the game. happy times are ahead and let's just hope for a great week ahead.:cheers


intention or not the wording was clear - not meeting that timescale will naturally cause people to think.

As I think you have yourself if I'm not mistaken?

He could easily have added some qualifiers to his statement - he chose not to do that.

The worse cricket game ever just released mate, this is a good reason to delay if required, should he no in my opinion but it's not my money ok. Please put yourself in ross shoes for once, by the end of this week we should know would be my guess. If it's 2014 then deal with it or just go punch a boxing bag.:rolleyes
Basically if everyone on here who thinks that planetcricket internet posters have some sort of major shareholder investment in DBC and that Ross owes us all a blow by blow account of his business strategy could just bugger off maybe the rest of us could actually have a conversation about something.
Basically if everyone on here who thinks that planetcricket internet posters have some sort of major shareholder investment in DBC and that Ross owes us all a blow by blow account of his business strategy could just bugger off maybe the rest of us could actually have a conversation about something.

Bigant said he would do something major (on here) that seems unlikely to happen.

Is that not a pretty big topic to ignore?

It isn't about Ross owing anything, it is about the release date going back into next year for arguably controversial reasons.
intention or not the wording was clear - not meeting that timescale will naturally cause people to think.

As I think you have yourself if I'm not mistaken?

He could easily have added some qualifiers to his statement - he chose not to do that.

I don't agree with the logic of delaying it but I certainly don't hold him to his "word" on 2013.
Bigant said he would do something major (on here) that seems unlikely to happen.

Is that not a pretty big topic to ignore?

It isn't about Ross owing anything, it is about the release date going back into next year for arguably controversial reasons.

Look I don't think anyone here isn't disappointed that the game isn't out, but as someone just said, we're not shareholders or have any investment in the gsme( other than time). Also I think Ross has said himself he wants nothing more than to get the game out.
The fact is when it's right for bigant and they're able to get it out, they will, we're only a small % of the target audience, so we have 2 choices, either stop coming on here abusing the bloke, or wait patiently, moaning and barracking isn't going to make a bit of difference either way. What are you trying to achieve?? If your frustrations are getting the better of you go kick the dog or cat or springbok, lion, elephant, cow or whatever is nearest but give it a rest ffs
I don't agree with the logic of delaying it but I certainly don't hold him to his "word" on 2013.

From the first post "The game will be here in 2013.".

That is pretty unequivocal.

The choice of words is to create anticipation and preparation for the game this year I reckon.

Not matching those words with action is risking a serious backlash from those who read it as defnite.


Look I don't think anyone here isn't disappointed that the game isn't out, but as someone just said, we're not shareholders or have any investment in the gsme( other than time). Also I think Ross has said himself he wants nothing more than to get the game out.
The fact is when it's right for bigant and they're able to get it out, they will, we're only a small % of the target audience, so we have 2 choices, either stop coming on here abusing the bloke, or wait patiently, moaning and barracking isn't going to make a bit of difference either way. What are you trying to achieve?? If your frustrations are getting the better of you go kick the dog or cat or springbok, lion, elephant, cow or whatever is nearest but give it a rest ffs

Just pointing out the release date information given from the developer is likely to be inaccurate and entering natural discussions as a result..
It isn't about Ross owing anything, it is about the release date going back into next year for arguably controversial reasons.

Controversial because posters on here are posting all kinds of ridiculous crap about it including, from what I can make out, conspiracy theories about using Ashes 13 as a "smokescreen".

There's nothing controversial about whether wanting your game to NOT be confused with, as things stand right now, one of the most famously crap titles of all time is a valid reason to delay the release.
Blind appreciation doesn't help anyone. It's okay to be critical, just the conversation goes far better when people make themselves aware of explanations already given.

You are right, one should be critical for the betterment. But baseless criticism for the release date does not seems to me would lead the game anywhere towards betterment.
From the first post "The game will be here in 2013.".

That is pretty unequivocal.

The choice of words is to create anticipation and preparation for the game this year I reckon.

Not matching those words with action is risking a serious backlash from those who read it as defnite.

Well I would question the wisdom of reading any release date as definite. GTA5 still seemed to sell okay despite the backlash from their game being 6 months late.
The game may still release this year; I just would like to think that people would show understanding as to why it might slip to 2014 rather than make a fuss about it.
Also what exactly are our other options here? We've not had a cricket game for 4 years and without DB14 all we'd have is Ashes Cricket.
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