Recent content by joesaadati

  1. J

    Cricket 19 Blobset Tools

    hi guys I am trying to change stumps,microphone and pitchads but everytime i try it goes in gives me error mesages and try tyo create new file mapping it gives me error messsages i used to do this easily before 2 years ago but suddenly i trouble pls help someone i reinstalled gasme several times...
  2. J

    Cricket 19 Blobset Tools

    oh may be it was in capital letters sorry i just wanted to grab some attendtion becuase if something like this can be done it would be great
  3. J

    Cricket 19 Blobset Tools

    What did i say that offened u??? I just wanted to know when the tutorial video would be released that is all I have been here in this planetcricket org for 24 years.
  4. J

    Cricket 19 Blobset Tools

  5. J

    Is anyone doing the faces for brianlara 2007!!!

    Guys Is Anyone Going To Start Doing Faces For Brainlara Cricket 2007 And Is There A Way To Edit The Outfields And Pitches And Other Graphics For This Game.
  6. J

    stevie's thoughts

    guys is the game already out in stores and if so can we get the game in Australia. The game be played on laptop
  7. J

    someone pls help demo won't start!!

    guys below is the my laptop system information could someone pls tell me why I can't play the demo or do I need other game graphics. Can I upgrade my graphics by downloading updates for my drivers :help :help :hpraise
  8. J

    someone pls help demo won't start!!

    Guys I have downloaded the demo it starts alright but when it loads up it ays press enter tab to start game when I press the start button an error comes and won't start pl someone help i am getting crazy :mad
  9. J

    Help needed please help!!!

    Guys could someone pls help me I can't use my game pad controller to play. could someone please help me solve this problem. controller I am using is ThurstMaster. :help :help :hpraise :help
  10. J

    Malaysian Tri-Series Goodies

    its becuase I am using game controller device not the keypad that is the reason for 123 and not swAD.
  11. J

    Commentory/music Importer Found !!!!

    The commentry for players is working fine. Now how can we import some other commentery and have it replaced in game could u pls explain jk16_4. I can open all the files alright only aems.big when I try to open it it gives error message below can someone help pls. error: C:\Program Files\EA...
  12. J

    BLIC07 Fact List

    so we will still be seeing dud names. :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad if there is no real name commentery then what every addation to this game it will be of no use to get. There should be name commentry or else what is the use of anyone getting this game...
  13. J

    New pitches and outfields!!!

    guys here is another version of my dry pitch
  14. J

    New pitches and outfields!!!

    guys here is a new outfield marker which I have changed it is highlighted with a black arrow I have also added two pitches in it. Could some pls give me the fsh file for the orange fielders dot and the white bowlers dot I want change them to :happy
  15. J

    New pitches and outfields!!!

    Here u go sohail Extract all files to a new folder and import using fsh ED editor to get them in game. :happy