Recent content by sheraz

  1. S

    Is this game region free?

    i have ntsc american version 360 and want to know that is this game going to be release on ntsc us version?
  2. S

    xbox save game patch?

    anyone knows how to save game after one over in xbox version ?
  3. S

    Xbox Cricket 05 Mods/Patches

    thanks for patch but do u know is there a way to add a save game option after one over in xbox version?
  4. S

    when it will release in pakistan??

    xbox version will be release today but limited number of copies and maybe ps2 version too but it is confirmed that ps2 version release on monday.
  5. S

    how many players can we creat?

    i have seen that we can only create three players but just wanted to confirm can we create more than 3?
  6. S

    Sheraz ps2 main blic kab release karoge

    today blic release on xbox and then on ps2 in karachi, but first on xbox on ps2 maybe on monday but beleive me blic is **** cricket 2005 is much much better than blic i have played it on xbox yesterday.
  7. S

    Anyone in Saudi Arabia got this game?

    my brother is coming to pakistan then after 0ne or two weeks went back to saudi arabia onwhich platform do u want?
  8. S

    xbox 6 hit button

    for front shot press B well A is just good for six shot just pull down left trigger and press A if ball is pitched near bat.
  9. S

    xbox 6 hit button

    pull down the left trigger and press A button and go for six
  10. S

    When Will It Release In Pakistan

    l will release it on xbox first on 22nd of july then ps2 and then on pc.
  11. S

    xbox version patch?

    is there a way to patch xbox version like kits etc?
  12. S

    still no confirmation on highlights and saving game after one over

    i have asked these :mad question so many times before 3 months but i think they are not listening
  13. S

    Graphics on PS2 (Bad)! Please help!!

    xbox graphics are superior than pc and ps2 and fastest loading times
  14. S

    is there a way to save between overs on xbox version?

    i mean any patch?