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  1. C

    Game Freezes - Does it actually work

    Hi Guys, I have got all the system req in order but as the games starts, toss & everything is finished it freezes in a grey and sort of baage colour, sorry about the spelling if its wrong. It freezes showing part of the stadium, presumably about to show the stadium, the intro movie looks a bit...
  2. C

    Proccessor To Slow - Any Bypass

    I recentelly bought C2002. All my requirments are right except a Pentium 2 is needed. I have got a KM6-2 or something like that. Got info from Easy Info that came with the game. Please Help. Charles Elphick
  3. C

    Needing Stadiums - -

    Cant anyone send it to me, I dont care if i get it from a hundred people, pls just send them to me.
  4. C

    Needing Stadiums - -

    Can everyone that reads this please send me the St Vincent, Dunedin & Durban. The most recent 1's. EVERYONE!!! Thanks [email protected]
  5. C

    Where are stadiums - -

    Please send them to me [email protected] as I have looked and cant find them. Sometimes they put them in the bats database and they are not there. The last one in the misc is clock hands, there are no downloads available in the stadiums sections, not one.
  6. C

    Where are stadiums - -

    They are not there, the stadium database does not have 1 thing in it!
  7. C

    Where are stadiums - -

    Dunidin & St Vincent Stadiums not there. Please send to me on [email protected]
  8. C

    Swing Bowler - Fast bowler runup?

    Please Reply, Phil Smith, anyone
  9. C

    Swing Bowler - Fast bowler runup?

    Is it possible to have a swing bowler with a fast bowlers run up. And Hiten if u are reading this please send me your pretoria stadium, I saw it on the side of the news bar on the main blc site and I could not find the download file. 999 not out
  10. C - How does it work

    Can somoene tell me how to use the patch. Everything goes extra high and for byes.
  11. C

    Please help me - Genral questions

    Can somoene please tell me what each .rot file is. In the stroke editor there are two normal on drives. Which is which. Has anyone made a no ball patch. Can one of the people that made the no cd cracks put a no ball bit in the game. 999 not out [email protected]
  12. C

    Field editor - In game

    I have heard about a in game field editor and have not found it anywhere. Please send it to me [email protected] Thanks alot 999 not out
  13. C

    Where are the Downloads - -

    Has everyone forgoten about BLC. Its still the best game around for now. Cricket 2002 is not out. I'm sure I will buy 2002 but will still play BLC. What has happened to all the downloads that everyone made. Please carry on making. Like stadiums for the West Indies were India have just been...
  14. C

    BLC cracks - D3D TNT,High,Low & 3DFX

    please make a software crack and send it to me on [email protected] 999 not out
  15. C

    Game Fix ?

    please send it to me on [email protected] 999 not out
  16. C

    BMP files for crowd - Tim Files

    I did not get the files, please send them to [email protected] 999 not out
  17. C

    Where are the sites - -

    Where are the downloads at BLC league? I know people have put downloadas on the forums and not the in BLC Online site, like late cut shot, an australia comm etc Could anyone that ahs done this, please send me there files!!! Thanks Alot 999 not out
  18. C

    Where are the sites - -

    Found it in the old forums. thanks anyway
  19. C

    Where are the sites - -

    Hey Guys. Can somoene please send me an e-mail or just post it on the forum with all the BLC sites with downloads on them. I once dowloaded a west indies commentary patch from a site but was never able to find the site again. I dont think all the sites are listed on the links page. An idea would...