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  1. B

    all that is needed in the new BLIC 2007 game is....

    subtle variations to the old one. There are problems on the 2005 edition but a lot of the general things like animations are ok, the graphics in genereal are alright. The problemsare more game-play related, this is where things need to be fixed
  2. B

    The ultimate project

    Ok i have had BLIC for a good while now and i have found myself frustrated by it. As well all know the CPU batting is poor, extremely poor as far as s hot selection goes etc. But what is good about this game is the batting aspect. it's extremely difficult to do but as i have found out...
  3. B

    i give up

    i have taken BL off my computer for now i find it unplayable. The batting is very difficult, which is fine, the pace issues are always a biotch but in generalbatting can be a tough ordeal that can be won with some feeling of accomplishment. howver the bowling ios just pish and i hate it, not...
  4. B

    isnt it fun when

    a slow bowler (50 mph) suddenly wacks in an 80 mph delivery and bowls through your hard worked partnership
  5. B

    baggie studios

    hi i am trying to sort out this team editor thing and it says in order to work tit i need to extract the bag files from teamandinfo.bag, i have found the file and used a bag viewer on it, but how does this make them .dat files for the editor to use?