IWE Saturday Sacrifice II: 1/9/07

Sorry, I thought I had you in. You are in now and Crabbe has become injured again

Da shizzles sat down on a leather sofa wearing an expensive looking suit and tons of bling. He had girls al around him admiring him and was watching a 53 inch tv playing out some rap music of his close friend 50 cent. A man dressed in a hoody with bling of his own showing came in to the room looked at him.

man: He's here

Da Shizzle: good, tell him to come in

The man left the room and da Shizzle whispered something to one of the girls, she got up and left, the others followed. Da Shizzle sat back down on his sofa. the door to the room opened and 3 bulky men, along with Da Shizzles man, walked in also wearing suits, they were lead by the man who had spoken to da shizzle earlier, Da Shizzle got up and the man came to his side.

Da Shizzle: Have you got it?

The shortest but best dressed of the men came forward also wearing a suit.

Man: Of course, want to check it?

Da Shizzle nodded and was handed a small bag of white powder, he threw it to the man who was with him and he went away into another room. 5 minutes passed silently until he came back.

Da Shizzles man: It's good

Da Shizzle: fine, whens the rest coming Jimbob?

The man who had handed him the package smiled

Jimbob: Its reaching your dealers all over the country, our involvement will never be known. Now then I hear you've been paid in advance? That means no excuses, we want our money now.

Da Shizzle reached behind his sofa and pulled out a suitcase, he handed it to a thuggish looking man on the right of Jimbob who opened it. He showed it to Jimbob, nodded and smiled.

jimbob: good,good, well it's been a pleasure doing business with you. I hope we can do it again sometime, oh and I saw you in the IWE last week. Interesting career move. Of course if they ever got wind of this then you'd be fired immediately, maybe however they reckon your return from jail would make a good storyline.

He laughed but stopped when he saw the look on Shizzles face.

Da Shizzle: You think it's funny? I'll tell you whats funny, me punding the cra out of you.

The 2 men on either side of Jimbob clenched their fists and began punching their hands. Da Shizzle laughed.

Da Shizzle: you think those 2 numptys could rotect you? Believe me, if i wanted you dead you'd be gone in a mater of seconds. Now get out of my house before i will want you dead.

To be continued

*might be me being lazy* :p
RP Deadline has passed. Thanks to those of you who RPed. I will leave the thread open to discuss the show
Sorry for the delay. The matches were supposed to be put up yesterday, and we've all sent them to Chez, so it shouldn't be long before he'll post them. Probably was a little pre-occupied.
Sorry, family circumstances out of my control. Show will be up either today or tomorrow

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