Unknown Version ? What to do.............


Club Cricketer
Oct 3, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi gyus i recently got the Radagas AI Patch from planet cricket forums but i am facing a problem in installing the radagas AI Patch.

When i Give patch to the AI Patch (Radagas) its check for the moment and after that tells that it cant be installed because F:program files/EA sports/Cricket 2004/Data/cricket.pc.gob - Unknown version.

What that means? Can anyone help me out.

it means u have got a clean .gob file either u have got latest kits etc... best thing to do is get Config Editior V2 and import the patch with it and it will work. does radagas patch have a .cfg file?
yeah problem is some of the old patches have its own installer which need a clean GOB file. Only way is too reinstall the game
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