Symonds involved in pub incident

Finish off the Symonds quote :p

"A member of the public acted unreasonably towards me while I was with friends at which time I..............."

Pfff, so he got into an argument with a drunk. Haven't we all. He could have coughed in someone's general direction and the media would be jumping up and down like maniacs
if this has really happened, its going to be a long time before he gets back in the australian team. his form wasnt that great in domestic cricket as it was.
this may be exactly what watson needs to keep his place.
Good one. Thats all I have to say.
Nice work there, good way of repaying trust, and I don't care for childish excuses like "I didn't provoke it".
Oh for christs sake, who bloody cares. I don't give two hoots what a sportsman gets upto off the field, unless he murders someone or is a ponce perhaps. As long as he performs on the pitch leave him the hell alone.
The press has a good way to make things like this look bad and like Symond's fault. From what i've read Symonds did absolutely nothing to the guy and left immediately.

I wouldn't read much into it unless we hear that Symonds actually did something wrong.
@ Kev

Those who follow these sportsmen with their eyes closed, and try to emulate whatever they do be it good or not. That is a harsh reality anybody cares or not.
That's their problem, it's not Roy's. He doesn't set himself up as a role model. Believe me he caused enough trouble when he was at Kent so he's not popular around these parts ;) but I still think he's a massive talent.

When I was a kid, Beefy and Sir Viv were pretty much responsible for me liking cricket on their own and they were hardly golden boys.
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In the wise words of Sir David of Brent:

"People see me, and they see the suit, and they go: "you're not fooling anyone", they know I'm rock and roll through and through. But you know that old thing, live fast, die young? Not my way. Live fast, sure, live too bloody fast sometimes, but die young? Die old. That's the way- not orthodox, I don't live by "the rules" you know. And if there's one other person who's influenced me in that way I think, someone who is a maverick, someone who does that to the system, then, it's Ian Botham. Because Beefy will happily say "that's what I think of your selection policy, yes I've hit the odd copper, yes I've enjoyed the old dooby, but will you piss off and leave me alone, I'm walking to John O'Groats for some spastics."


Kev's right. Who gives a crap what they do off the field, as long as it's not illegal and going to jeopardise their place in the side, then why should we care? As long as they're performing well on the field, and doing their job, then it shouldn't be a problem.

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