Ashes 2009 not working on Windows 7

^ 7 isn't a resource hog if you have a gaming PC. Although XP may run fast but no Direct x 10/11 support. Sorry but there is very big difference in dx9 and dx10 gaming... The games look completely different.

AngryPixel added 7 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

Windows 7 stinks for games and... well, just about everything else, really. I was tired of right clicking and selecting "Vista mode" (selecting XP mode never works anyway). And this is supposed to compatible moreso than XP? Bahahaha laughing my pants down!

If you really have to do that for every game you really shouldn't be using 7 anyway. I've been using 7 for last 1 year and there was not even a single game which gave me this problem. Every game ran silk smooth. Care to mention which games do you really play??

And yeah, Ashes works flawlessly in 7. If you are having any problems, it is your hardware not the windows 7.
games in Windows 7 work properly. Its just compatibility mode you need to work with at times
mine lags wen the batsman is about to hit the ball then it stutters really bad
Will game run on my laptop


eariler i had desktop
with AMD dual core 1 GB RAM and no Graphics card.
game worked on my PC with lowest configuration.

Now i am having Dell Inspiron laptop
with 4GB RAM and I5 processor and not having any graphics card.
and Windows 7 Home 64 bit

pls tell me will this game work on my laptop
because i am thinking of buying game tommorow.

pls let me know as early as possible.

and one thing right now i am having pirated version games starts on laptop
correctly but you know windows 7 patches i have to install.

eariler i had desktop
with AMD dual core 1 GB RAM and no Graphics card.
game worked on my PC with lowest configuration.

Now i am having Dell Inspiron laptop
with 4GB RAM and I5 processor and not having any graphics card.
and Windows 7 Home 64 bit

pls tell me will this game work on my laptop
because i am thinking of buying game tommorow.

pls let me know as early as possible.

and one thing right now i am having pirated version games starts on laptop
correctly but you know windows 7 patches i have to install.

Flinging Pirate :mad
guys i'm using widows 7.i downloaded the game iso and installed it.then i also pasted the crack in the game folder.but it is not opening.
Guys I just Installed Ashes Cricket 2009.. It works only till the transmission license screen comes and when its the time for the menu to come means when I press enter in the start the screen turns black and if there is anything I can do is to close the game. Please help anyone,
yup.. same thing happens for me as well??
whrn i open my ashes it shows cannot start because another instance of this program is already running

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