Batting and Bowling Practice ON THE SCG!!!! - now in the Cricket Academy

my point is that, this game still looks poor playing on high settings on 1080p

You've stolen enough oxygen, enough is enough.

Given I am ignoring you after I write this post there is *absolutely* no point you making any comment whatsoever as it will have no impact on the game at all.

Edit: Suckers indeed - we all have better things to do with our time, someone should ban this monumental tweaking waste of space.
I'm hoping @MattW can come through here with a broom and clean it all up.

For the *really* hard of hearing - once again - we are interested in the feel of the controls more than anything. Graphics are not final - if you want the final set then come back in December (and don't comment until then).
The new controls work fantastic for batting, especially the advance down toggle just fits right for shot making! The opening up of RB for other options!

Just had a blast trying out advance hots, sweeps and scoops in SCG! even tried a bit in broadcast cam to see the different views around a shots go, feels fantastic!

LOVING IT!!! Can't wait for December! :cheers
Thanks for update , its great. Any option to Invert controls in Broadcast Cam? like in DBC14 or it goes to invert automatically with Broadcast view, I couldn't find the option.
Thanks for update , its great. Any option to Invert controls in Broadcast Cam? like in DBC14 or it goes to invert automatically with Broadcast view, I couldn't find the option.
it would be added later sometime
wait for the update
Very impressed even in my lowered settings. Would like to see the ball all the way to the rope. Definitely enjoying the spin bowling most of all. It's certainly measuring up to my hopes so far. Turning a leggy from just outside leg and hitting off is superb. Is there a possibility that he user could have more control the revs on delivery to vary the turn. Maybe 4 revs on LS for max turn and 1 rev for 25% turn. On the whole am very happy with the way it plays.

Only negative is the logo creator still doesn't work for me. None of the controller buttons work and can only zoom, and create using mousepad. Cannot exit either have to ctrl alt del.
another question - is it me or are back foot shots really limited and/or hard to hit? I've been trying to use the new back foot animation (which looks like a glance to point) but I find I miss a heck of a lot of balls. if I play the same shot on the front foot, I have to problems. Also, when I do connect, it looks weird because my bat is angled to extra cover yet the ball goes to mid off or just to the right of the pitch (RH Bat).

Also, I know I've asked elsewhere but it would be great if we could get really short balls. Currently it seems we can only bowl (and face) good pitched bowling, now bouncers, etc. Whilst I'm at it, it would be great if we could also get balls to be bowled specifically at one area eg. wide (to practice cut shots), and say legside (to practice glances, etc).

One last thing - in terms of animations, etc i think they're pretty sweet (including the above). However there is one animation thats always bugged me - the back foot cut shot. The animation has the batsman basically taking a step back then almost crouching in order to do a cut shot. Dunno bout you but I don't see that very often. What SHOULD happen is for the batsman to take a step back, shift weight to their back foot, then swing the cut shot to meet the ball....sometimes even the front foot lifts up on contact with the ball. The batsman should not be crouching on both feet because this just sticks the bat out and you lose control a bit.
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another question - is it me or are back foot shots really limited and/or hard to hit? I've been trying to use the new back foot animation (which looks like a glance to point) but I find I miss a heck of a lot of balls. if I play the same shot on the front foot, I have to problems. Also, when I do connect, it looks weird because my bat is angled to extra cover yet the ball goes to mid off or just to the right of the pitch (RH Bat).

Also, I know I've asked elsewhere but it would be great if we could get really short balls. Currently it seems we can only bowl (and face) good pitched bowling, now bouncers, etc. Whilst I'm at it, it would be great if we could also get balls to be bowled specifically at one area eg. wide (to practice cut shots), and say legside (to practice glances, etc).

One last thing - in terms of animations, etc i think they're pretty sweet (including the above). However there is one animation thats always bugged me - the back foot cut shot. The animation has the batsman basically taking a step back then almost crouching in order to do a cut shot. Dunno bout you but I don't see that very often. What SHOULD happen is for the batsman to take a step back, shift weight to their back foot, then swing the cut shot to meet the ball....sometimes even the front foot lifts up on contact with the ball. The batsman should not be crouching on both feet because this just sticks the bat out and you lose control a bit.
I am also having some problems with back foot shots
whenever in broadcast view i try to play a pull shot of a bouncer it always goes in the direction of 4 - 5 o clock
i am just not able to hit it in 2 - 3 o clock direction
then i tried to play the ball late so it would deliberately go in 2 - 3 o clock direction but then it never goes to the boundary
and i am not able to generate power in the shot when trying to hit in 2 - 3 o clock direction
i have seen a lot of batsman hit fours and sixes in that area with a pull shot in real cricket
is this an issue or am i playing it wrong
can anybody post a video of the same?
and btw pharoah about that back foot cut shot
i've already written the post about the same but got drilled by many users viewing this thread
these things seems completely nonsense to some people
just let it be
most of the users are here only to hate the suggestions without giving a second thought to it
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That is not really a system you should expect good performance out of new games at highest settings with much anti aliasing on... That card is not much better than the consoles really, if at all.

I didn't totally disagree with everything you said - I agreed that we could do with some more AA... But the way you're expressing yourself is just rude and ungrateful. Saying it looks "poor" achieves nothing, it's nondescript and is just an insult towards BA's work.

Your 100% right i did act very rude and very disrespectful to Ross and he's team for insulting his work DBC17 and also to the fans of DBC17 on this planet cricket site. When people told me to stop insulting, i just kept on doing it. For the people calling me dumb, stupid, thick and a jerk i totally deserved that because i was being those things and i knew it. I got too carred away thinking that if i insult the the game they might make it even better but i was totally wrong. I do admit DBC17 does look a lot better than DBC14, when i said DBC17 looks worse than DBC14 that was a lie, i only did that for attention. The anti aliasing was the only thing that needed a bit of work but the textures are much better than DBC14. The player models are look fantastic but they have got backwards. To snowy i am sorry for being such a pain in the backside to you, you didn't deserved that at all. To Ross i don't dislike you at all i am sorry for disrespecting you and your staff and DBC17. I was acting like a jerk and a waste of space and i totally deserved that.
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another question - is it me or are back foot shots really limited and/or hard to hit? I've been trying to use the new back foot animation (which looks like a glance to point) but I find I miss a heck of a lot of balls. if I play the same shot on the front foot, I have to problems. Also, when I do connect, it looks weird because my bat is angled to extra cover yet the ball goes to mid off or just to the right of the pitch (RH Bat).

Also, I know I've asked elsewhere but it would be great if we could get really short balls. Currently it seems we can only bowl (and face) good pitched bowling, now bouncers, etc. Whilst I'm at it, it would be great if we could also get balls to be bowled specifically at one area eg. wide (to practice cut shots), and say legside (to practice glances, etc).

One last thing - in terms of animations, etc i think they're pretty sweet (including the above). However there is one animation thats always bugged me - the back foot cut shot. The animation has the batsman basically taking a step back then almost crouching in order to do a cut shot. Dunno bout you but I don't see that very often. What SHOULD happen is for the batsman to take a step back, shift weight to their back foot, then swing the cut shot to meet the ball....sometimes even the front foot lifts up on contact with the ball. The batsman should not be crouching on both feet because this just sticks the bat out and you lose control a bit.

I've gone for short pitched only fast bowling and you can camp on the front foot pretty much no issue and find it less of a risk than trying to play the back foot shot. This seems to be the only unbalanced part of the batting atm. Going back to good-short length balls seems really difficult and too high risk when playing off the front foot all the time seems to come with very little risk.
I played almost everything off front foot in DB14 apart from late cut, but I am finding that I cant play off back foot at all so far. I haven't seen too many bouncers. In fact I've seen more beamers than bouncers. also havent seen many short wide deliveries. So far it feels like there is little point playing off back foot as the ball is rarely short enough. The back foot movement could be a little less subtle perhaps, because the jumping to leg or off is a little extreme in my opinion.

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