BLIC 07 screenshot thread


Club Cricketer
Aug 24, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
I made this thread at the request of Chimp132, but I think it is probably a good idea anyway. If you have screenshots of the new shots/features that are in this game but not in the previous ones then could people post them here for those who can't get the demo. Or if you just have a screenshot that you want to share then you could post it with a brief description. What do people think of this idea???

I'll start things off with a couple of the reverse sweep:
Well Manee , my GFX card is Geforce FX 5200 (128 MB) . i m sad that i hve to play this awesome game on low settings :crying .

Here is some new Features from BLIC 07 .

When u get out with a good socre on ur bag u can see this screenshots in game , like u can see Freedie Flintoff is raisng his hands for that wonderful knock before leaving the ground .

I like how they do that if they get a good score when they get out, more realistic than just walking off :)
My graphics card is the 'Radeon 9200 SE SEC Family' whatever the heck that means :p

I like the new victory celebrations too, I think they add an air of realism rather than just ending the game straight off:
By the way.. when does it release for pc? wats the date
Well, it is as soon as where your buying it from says.
thanks for making the thread :D can you post a pic of billy bowden doing his crooked finger 6 and his four signal please :D
actually both billy bowden and buckner does it:(

players are walking in.


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ronnarin said:
are any bowling actions different?

Quite difficult to find out :( tbh i think there is now different bowling actions :p
some cool screneis there guys I will also post some soon
can someone post a screenie of billy bowden doing his 6 signal and his 4 singal please :D


Orriginaly posted by Jason63, have some love :D

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