Created Players......


School Cricketer
Jan 29, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
How do you use a custom player

I've created a custom player on the xbox and i can't seem to choose him in any match. Could someone help please???
dog4life919 said:
I've created a custom player on the xbox and i can't seem to choose him in any match. Could someone help please???

I have this bug for PS2, and have posted it in the bugs thread. You can only put custom players in custom teams. But then you can only play with custom teams in 'balanced mode', which means that all the other players stats get set to these stupid defaults.

Basically, its either a bug, or pure stupidity from the makers. To use your custom guy, try adding him to a custom team, then selecting 'balanced' when you select your match.
Has anyone created a player and can they be added to a real team and play in the world cup mode???

I just got the game for 360 and created a custom player...

Now I cannot for the life of me find out how to add that player to ANY team???

Can we use them in the "real" Australian team playing in the world cup mode?

I cannot even add him to the custom ODI game???

HELP please, someone...!!!

But custom teams cannot be used in the World Cup or Champions Trophy is that correct???

lazy_chesnut said:
Created players can only be added to Custom Teams. A bit crap, really.

Its SO stupid! If I make my guy a West Indian the whole idea is that he plays in a West Indian team! I just don't get why they seem to have actually gone BACKWARD in terms of some elements of the game.
One of my biggest gripes is that you can't play with your custom team on realistic. It sux! I'm on the 360, so I can't use the Player Editor. :-(
redlantern2051 said:
One of my biggest gripes is that you can't play with your custom team on realistic. It sux! I'm on the 360, so I can't use the Player Editor. :-(

... and that my friends is the reason not to spend money on a games console - please don't tell me anyone is going to buy a ps3 (and games at +- ?50) when you could buy a decent PC for the same price.
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barmyarmy said:
Sorry, I merged the threads!
Not much you can do although it is quite fun playing with yourself as every player!

I s'pose you could make your school, club or county side, still not quite the same is it

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