Cricket 09 Release Speculation Thread

Come on, be honest with yourself and see through all this bullsh*t - they are having you on about a new game, there isn't going to be one. I am willing to bet on it. Go to bed.
On a personal not, if this game has new batting controls and bowling controls + 20% better gameplay then Ckt07 + More player animations + Graphics on par with FIFA 09.

new batting controls and bowling controls = not new, but rather they are implementing older controls :)
20% better gameplay then Ckt07 = Definitely they will mention, " gameplay has been tweaked! " though it won't be. You will get 100% better gameplay in few weeks though... i.e. through our AI patchers. :p
More player animations = Definitely not!
Graphics on par with FIFA 09 = No & No! After knowing EA's cricket games history, don't you think that you have very high optimistic expectations on EA? :D

surendar added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

they are having you on about a new game, there isn't going to be one. I am willing to bet on it. Go to bed.

People are so gullible and incapable of critically evaluating anything....idiots.....Wait for tomorrow - there will be no game. Then watch the tears flow :crying
important thing is that, the designers, animators, graphic artists or visualizers who work in studio and make game should be having some knowledge of cricket, and they should have an interest in cricket. So enthusiastically these guys launch a better output. Visualizer is the main guy who roles the most in the structure of a game. And all the artists and designers follows his words and his visualization and they can make anything what he says. If they can make great models & gameplay like FIFA, NFL etc..why cant for cricket. They should recruit a visualizer who knows cricket, who loves cricket or atleast have some knowledge of cricket. And h e should be knowing what fan wants.
On a personal not, if this game has new batting controls and bowling controls + 20% better gameplay then Ckt07 + More player animations + Graphics on par with FIFA 09. Then i am definitely buying this game first day.:D:D:D EA Should Learn from MLB2K9 how to create real life like T.V. Presentation for a sports game. MLB2k9 has the best T.V Presentation system with great commentators.

I don`t think we should expect graphics to be on par with FIFA 09 as they have confirmed that this won`t be a next-gen title. FIFA 09 was next-gen. Cricket 09 will mostly be ported to the ps2. So, let us not expect too much on the graphical front (not that Iam too unhappy with that because my pc was not capable of running FIFA 09 and I only have a ps2).
Come on, be honest with yourself and see through all this bullsh*t - they are having you on about a new game, there isn't going to be one. I am willing to bet on it. Go to bed.

We've got the trademark arrogant Aussie!
What are you talking about? He's right, their isn't going to be a new game. It's just going to be a rehash of the previous games :p

I wonder how anti-climatic the last day's information is going to be ;)
Waiting with bated breath for the anti-climatic finish !
Originally posted by whitehornmatt
Was going to wait a little bit in case Colin wanted to take the glory of the big announcement regarding the save feature being extended to within overs, and new strategy breaks.
So here's your answer for delayed
I think it is. That means we have to wait until Colin is online as he will post the anti-climatic announcement.
c09 is not going to be realesed
and I guarantee you that
Not this year
I asked ea about it but they said they didnt know
They didnt have plans to produce a cricket game this year
maybe they are developing a game for t20
Not sure
The game's main controller is turning out to be the mouse.....

The final feature is that you dont need to stretch your finger towards the escape key to pause the game.just click on mouse button1+middle mouse button to go the menu!!:banana2

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