cricket 2005


Club Cricketer
May 30, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I cant see how cricket 2005 is going to be any better than the patched up version that people on here have spent many hours creating. We can modify teams, players, fixtures, the way human cpu play there shots, graphics. Bugs are being fixed such as runout, byes problems.

EA failed to release any patches for cricket 2004 even though the game was in drastic need of it, it wouldnt have taken them long to release a fix for the runout bug as sam managed to fix it himself, so a programming team would have taken them no time at all. (Dont understand how they didnt fix it before release anyway)

Looking at the feature list on cricket 2005 there is nothing new there, they are rushing the release of this game again due Brian Lara Cricket & probably to try and cash in on the Ashes and the interest generated from that series.

Im not saying no one buy this game as we dont know enough about it yet, but the support EA gave for cricket 2004 and the lies they told before the release of the game makes me think I wouldnt touch cricket 2005 with a barge pole.

The only way I would consider getting this game is if EA apoligised and offered a part exchange for owners of cric 2004.

The reason why we just can't keep the patched version of Cricket 2004 is that EA Sports won't get any money. We pay our money for Cricket 2005, play for an hour or so and then spend the next year patching it. What a great deal. :p
I will definately be getting BLIC 2005 before Cricket 2005...and i will most likely wait to see others opinions before i go out and spend my money on Cricket 2005. I think Cricket 2005 graphics will be good but it will have IMO the same old buggy gameplay :rolleyes:
tomcress2000 said:
EA failed to release any patches for cricket 2004 even though the game was in drastic need of it, it wouldnt have taken them long to release a fix for the runout bug as sam managed to fix it himself, so a programming team would have taken them no time at all. (Dont understand how they didnt fix it before release anyway)
Are you suggesting that the EA developers are as smart as Sam? ;)

I expect some improvement in this game, though. I can't comment on Cricket 2004 because I bought it as soon as I heard about it. I remember logging onto gamefaqs perhaps and there was a cricket 2004 section. So I bought it. To be honest, I much preferred it to C2k2. There was much more depth in the game, although there were probably too many bugs. EA has been improving over the years in the cricket game scenario but they were just slackening off because Codies seemed to have left the race. Now Codies is back and EA knows this is their last chance to grab a market share.

Cricket is not a high-selling sport for EA, although it could become if the games become quality. I think EA has the money and resources to develop a very good cricket game. Cricket 2005 will be the judgment factor for EA Sports. This is their last chance. If they pull off something good we will have some serious rivalry. Else, everyone seems to have put their money on BLIC already.
It'll be worth it if there swing, amnual appealing and good difficulty levels!!!!
Are you really willing to pay 80 aus. dollars for something that only adds "swing, manual appealing and good difficulty levels".
ye but it wasnt on any lists in the us, the biggest computer game selling country, where as fifa and nba are
rickyp said:
ye but it wasnt on any lists in the us, the biggest computer game selling country, where as fifa and nba are

was it even oficially released in the us??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
kmk1284 said:
was it even oficially released in the us??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You wouldn't have known it if you looked at the sales charts!

However, they must have sold a few, or the game would be a total flop

Maybe it's why they're releasing it on Xbox for Cricket 2005.
Game makers dont have 'specific sports' EA have the potential to make a quality game, Fifa 2005 is very good and so are many of their gamesm why shouldnt cricket 2005 be? However there is the black cloud looming around that is Cricket 2004 which is dampening our hopes, i think the best thing to do is just to wait and see, no point speculating, getting your hopes up or down. The truth is none of us have any idea whether the game will be incredible, average or rubbish, if you ask me (whcih you don't have to!) we shouldnt start guessing! Although i do think the graphics are very good!
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Game-makers don't have specific sports. But game-sellers sure as hell do. At some level the money going into the game definitely depends on the amount of money they are going to make on it. And specific sports have more money on them. For example soccer (FIFA) and basketball (NBA). In the US that also includes NHL and Golf (Tiger Woods). If you look at it properly, the major markets for cricket are Indian subcontinent, UK and Australia. Australia and UK are developed countries and EA is able to make quite a bit of money.

But in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, copies are available easily and cheaply. Income levels are not as high. EA loses a lot of money from these markets--money that they don't actually see. Therefore the moral of the story is that although big game companies can probably make any game on hte planet in a quality way, they are restricted by the target audience. Cost-benefit analysis, essentially.
Yeah but thats not what i was saying, i was saying game-makers dont have specific sports, the reason FIFA dont make cricket games much is because no-one in England wants them, yeh everyone at Planet Cricket does but thats about 0.0002% of the UK population, it costs too much for them to make an amzing game when they arent gonna get much money from sales
see i wanted to know aboutcricket 2005
weather :it rains in cricket 2005 during match
in 2004 it rains only in test & they show rain only in test
what obout 2005

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