Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Amongst everything, the thing that annoys me more than anything about C22 is the AI bat-padding, particularly off pace bowling. Putting a fielder at short leg is a guaranteed AI score of under a test match.
Batsmen mentalities have gone back to not mattering at all. Everyone coasts along eventually at the desired run rate set by the AI sliders. Spin bowling is also seriously OP, but better than it was.
Yes, we are here. Unfortunately, my responsibilities are very varied across many things although many of you will see me online here, sometimes just reacting to posts or in the direct messages giving out replies when needed, and on many other platforms as well. I won't reply to everything but I certainly read everything that appears here and in many other threads.

We can certainly work on this. This patch as Matt said had some unexpected occurrences. Even during QA testing we never noticed this happening, but we did as fast as possible do more testing to see if we could get a very quick patch out to remedy what had occurred.

We can only do so much. We have many projects in the works and we must give them all their required attention. As much as I would love to say Cricket is my focus, it would be a lie. It takes up the largest chunk of my week but we have more than one game we work on at a time. As well as only so much we can say about what we are working on. But if there are any issues please send in a support ticket. It is the quickest way to get my attention. But keep up the conversations here, many things I work on come directly from what is said here.
Problem is that there are never any feedback. I have logged multiple tickets from launch of Cricket 22 and mostly about fielding that has never been fixed. It is just amazing that it takes them that long to attend to major issues like fielding. All we ask is to share things like what patches they are working on and when we can expect a patch to release. Instead we are left in the dark and some people even shelved the game because they think that BA has given up on support. We had exactly the same problem in Cricket 19 and the game ended up also with fielding issues that were never fixed. How many months can it take to fix fielding?
Shadows in Overcast and rainy weather is back very weird, instead of clouds and wet conditions, it's a bizarre and brought back again with recent patch.
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T20 or The Hundred formats in particular desperately need attention too with regards to how the AI is simulating actual wickets taken & match outcomes. (All formats are ultimately affected but it's just that much more obvious in the shortest of the formats.)

For example, I can "attempt" to play a T20 or 100 custom tournament (or one of the dedicated stand alone series), choose a "star player" batting at four or five in the order & literally get to bat in maybe 2 or 3 matches for entire tournaments because the AI simulates match after match where only the top 3 batters actually bat & no other wickets are taken, repeatedly!! (Even then the scripting is so poor that said star player may frequently only get a handful of overs anyway.)

Can this happen in real life where very few wickets are taken & the bowling side simply fail or the batting side just do incredibly well? Yes, of course. But, cricket (in ANY format) where the top 3 batters alone repeatedly carry entire matches alone & the rest of the batting order just aren't required at all is an incredibly rare event indeed. It's an exception, not the rule that C22 has been stuck depicting for some time. However, yet again this is something that has been completely reversed to how things should actually be with C22.

What's the point in having the option for fans to choose their favourite players in a tournament as a star player to then ultimately watch C22 make an absolute mess of everything & mid order batters are rarely required at all, match after match, tournament after tournament because the AI is repeatedly determining that only the top 3 or 4 batters are actually required to win most matches?

Minimal testing yields similar results where the top order are very rarely bowled out during simulation for a middle order star player to actually be given an opportunity to bat. The more tournaments tested the more blatantly obvious this pattern becomes but it's another issue that has been raised multiple times since the star player option missing on release was eventually added into C22 that just gets ignored & apparently overlooked for any rectification.
@MattW endless taking singles bug still exist in game after latest patch on ps5, kindly fix

big ant ticket id 13203
For some reason while downloading from community...the Srilanka team is getting downloaded without logos. @JNT BA
Bottom edge travelling upwards lol. Not bad but pathetic scripting. They might be able to fix some of these issues a month before the new game is launched.
For some reason while downloading from community...the Srilanka team is getting downloaded without logos. @JNT BA
I broke them.

Had a long break from this game and been enjoying NBA2k but with local cricket season starting here this week fired it up and have to say the graphics seem slicker, pitch looks better and nice to see some new bats ranges updated like icon.
As a photoshop noob, just wondering, if it's possible to have an "easier" play face creation tool in the game? Looking at WWE 2k22, that game has an extremely easy-to-use play face creation tool, within the game itself. All you gotta do is add the photo and then work on it from within the game itself.
I know Pros like wasteyouryouth , AJ, Guyincognito or Mouseydread might laugh at this - but just asking from the point of view of a not so expert photoshop user :sweat:
As a photoshop noob, just wondering, if it's possible to have an "easier" play face creation tool in the game? Looking at WWE 2k22, that game has an extremely easy-to-use play face creation tool, within the game itself. All you gotta do is add the photo and then work on it from within the game itself.
I know Pros like wasteyouryouth , AJ, Guyincognito or Mouseydread might laugh at this - but just asking from the point of view of a not so expert photoshop user :sweat:
Its definitely one of those things where practice makes perfect. I find that most of my stuff ends up being an approximation of a player's likeness - fine line between having a nice looking face or messy but accurate (in terms of textures etc). I think one thing I would like to see, as you said Rahul, is playface become a bit more accessible in future iterations - whether it comes as an inhouse built playface creator or detailed outlines on how to make one.

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