Cricket Academy Discussion



In case any one missed this the Cricket Academy Game Editor will be released on the 22nd of April. Mods feel free to get rid of this if you feel it is not needed....also Ross has made it clear that there will be no demo of the full game but plenty of screenshots and videos showing off the game in due time....
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Keep the thread, I'm sure people will be talking a lot about it once it's released anyway.
In case any one missed this the Cricket Academy Game Editor will be released on the 22nd of April. Mods feel free to get rid of this if you feel it is not needed....

Thanks for the heads up Dutchad...

Can't wait for the 22nd of April, ross will you release the download on pc or your forum or both. Thanks
Till 24th I ll be having my semester exams.. I'll need to wait for 2 more days then.. Lucky others :noway

My exams r starting on the 24th....and knowing how bad i am in prioritizing I might have to cancel my internet subscription for a week

Question for ross, would we able to download players created by others using the beta and set up/create custom teams? Or can we only do that once the full game releases?
My exams r starting on the 24th....and knowing how bad i am in prioritizing I might have to cancel my internet subscription for a week

Question for ross, would we able to download players created by others using the beta and set up/create custom teams? Or can we only do that once the full game releases?

Full player sharing will be enabled straight away.
I may have missed a reply for this but will the Cricket Academy be available for MAC as well?
Where can we get the game in India ? Online buying/Retailers/Resellers/Steam download ?
I like DRS in bigant's cricket game.:thumbs:p

And yet on the ashes thread you say how it's not a big deal. At least have the nerve to give your actual opinion, and not one that you think is the right thing to say. This site is mostly about discussing difference of opinions. My opinion is that DRS is a great feature to add. Anyway this is off topic for this thread.

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