Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@KingRizzy: Sorry, I didn't get a chance to look at the issue last night. I'm going to be pressed for time this week as we're releasing our product in the next few days.

@kurtkz OK, can you just send me a key for now? And we'll look into the other issue once you're a bit lighter on schedule, but we definitely want to look into it.
Hi @kurtkz ,
I am facing same issues as ibad said earlier.
The game it seems has massive bug in test match simulation.
A late order pair seems to get stuck (usually 7-8 wickets down) and team scores pushes over 1000.
Bizarrely , The match report says match is tied.
Also in commentary thread. There are 2 versions of match reports gets created. I have attached both files in zipped format.


    144.3 KB · Views: 3
Hmm, looks like I uploaded the wrong version previously :/ Sorry about that. I'm almost ready with the next patch though, so it'll be sorted out soon.
Hi @kurtkz , i'm given the task of simming PPCL as a replacement for Ibad. Can you send me PakPassion patch. Along with it can you tell me what does this patch do.
I have noticed that 1000+ run bug occurs mostly when i play only 4 bowlers in test match.
One more thing clicking on "Help" closes the whole software.

One suggestion regarding Roster editor. Is it posibble to add "Clone copy" and "Clone paste" option inside it ?. For example with it we add many Steyn , Tendulkar etc like players in one team with different names but same attributes as them.
I'll just point out that in CC spinners are rated lower than they should be because the match engine favours them so highly, so maybe with the CD9 importer adjust spinners skills by 10% up
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