DBC17 Blobset Tools

There is another way to relocate files in the blobset files, but it will require editing the first "data-0.blobset.pc" file header, then creating a new blobset "data-3.blobset.pc" file. I'll have to rewrite my program to do this.
New Update to the Blobset Creator, now working with a different approach.

Make sure you make a backup of "data-0.blobset.pc" just in case something goes wrong, because it gets edited.


Copy over your modded textures over to the DBC17Mods folder in their corresponding folders, going off the WhiteList.txt.
TXPK files, place them in the (DBC17Mods\txpk) folder.
M3MP files, place them in the (DBC17Mods\m3mp) folder.

A uniform would go in this location - (DBC17Mods\characters\tops\textures\uniform_custom_tops_back_01_col_1.dds)

For compressing a created blobset, select Options - Blobset Compression and tick the box.

To create a (data-3.blobset.pc) file with all the modded files select Create Blobset and it will save it to the DBC17 game directory going off the DBC17 Location.txt. So if your steam location is different to the default, change it in that txt file.
To extract a Blobset file select Extract Blobset and pick a blobset file, example - (data-0.blobset.pc) and it will extract it to the programs root directory - (DBC17 Blobset Creator\data-0.blobset.pc).

DBC17 Blobset Creator.zip
@BigAntStudios really nice touch Ross. Great to see your support for the modding community.
Well I can confirm that this is now working perfectly. @Wouldubeinta thank you very much for creating this tool and @BigAntStudios thanks again for the support provided and don't be so humble Ross. Please see the screenshot below, I have managed to edit the default / original logo for Auckland (was Auckland Spades) to the real logo (Auckland Aces). There is now some real potential for some serious modding and I've got some ideas (4k Textures etc.) that I would like to experiment with and will keep the community posted. This would also partly assist with the custom logo database being full as by replacing the default logos with the real ones we will save space on a few custom logos and not to mention that the high resolution DDS files that we can use will provide greater clarity and in some cases be better than when using the in game editor due to the limitations when trying to create complex logos. I'm really excited about this and will probably spend the rest of today seeing what else we can mod.

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As the current test build of the PS4 firmware supports a USB storage feature, could texture modding of the PS4 install feasibly work if transferred by USB onto a PC? I'm guessing not as Sony would probably encrypt the data, but it's worth asking.

Curious about this feature for PS4... does that mean we can extend the console's disk space by plugging in say a 1TB external USB storage device and install/save the games there?
Curious about this feature for PS4... does that mean we can extend the console's disk space by plugging in say a 1TB external USB storage device and install/save the games there?
You will be able to install the game on the external HDD but saved games will still be on original HDD (as far as I read online) the firmware is being beta tested at the moment.

it will only support 1 external HDD at any time, but you would be able to hot swop so u can play different games ;)
Been playing around with this and have a few things to show you guys.

Have managed to changed the loading screen (See below)


Have also managed to change the ball see screen below, (I used @Madman 's Kookaburra Turf texture from DBC 14), the scaling is slightly larger in DBC 17 so when I resized the DBC 14 texture to match the DBC 17 one I lost some fidelity and clarity. So I'm guessing that for optimal results you would need to create new textures for balls in DBC 17.


@Wouldubeinta I tired to update competition logos but didn't have any luck with these. When I changed the generic Aus T20 Logo with a BBL logo the image wouldn't show up in game. It just shows a blank logo, again not sure what could be going wrong here as I ensured that I resized the BBL logo to fit the dimensions of the generic logo perfectly.

Also some more updates, managed to change the background screen. I used some 4K backgrounds and downscaled and it looks so clear. The screenshots might not do it justice.


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I've run into some instability issues when modding. Need further testing but the game seems more prone to crashing now (When it never has done ever for me before). Most of the crashes come from using the instant replay function when trying to take screenshots.
Just did some more testing (restored all my files to default and deleted all academy data) and I think that the instant replay crashes are happening independently of any modding that I may have done. Never noticed this before as I have never needed to use the instant replay feature.
I've run into some instability issues when modding. Need further testing but the game seems more prone to crashing now (When it never has done ever for me before). Most of the crashes come from using the instant replay function when trying to take screenshots.
It could have something to do with going over the original size of the texture. You could try compressing the blobset and see if it makes a difference.
So is it possible to use this and import all of the DBC 14 kits? or is this going to be like RLL3 and it can't be done because there are no licensed kits to replace?

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