*Detailed* Questions and Answers

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Is there a difference in batting animation between an aggressive lofted shot and an aggressive along the ground shot? Or is the animation same with the physics playing its part on the ball?

And can we play lofted chip shot? Over the infield but not give it enough power to reach the fielder on the outfield by controlling the power of the shot
Animations will change for those different shots. Sometimes it will be more subtle, sometimes more obvious.

And yes to your last question.
Lofted shot mechanics need to be explained. Its creating confusion. I am sure Bigant have implemented it well but sharing of details will be a good way to address the ambiguity around here regarding the issue.
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There is no 'lofted shot' button.

Every cricket player in the real world has the 'ability' to loft every ball. But obviously there are factors that play against that happening. Whether this person was saying they want a button to do so or not, I'm not 100% clear, but you DO have the 'ability' to loft shots if the circumstances line up. Just like real cricket though, if you mis-time, are out of position, edge it, get a great delivery, etc. etc. etc. you won't be able to loft the ball (or you might, but it could be a pissy shot).

As for how you can play a lofted shot if the opportunity arises, you can generally loft the ball from almost any shot modifier other than the defensive one.
I think the clarification regarding lofted shots is fine. As originally stated, timing and accuracy is probably key. Going for a front foot drive, time it early you'll connect with a angled bat and it will loft, time it late and you'll hit it with a straighter bat and it'll go on the ground. Going for a cut shot, hit it with the upper half of the bat and it'll get air, lower half and it'll go down, same with hooks.. just like real life. Hit the agression toggle and you'll more likely miss time/miss hit and not get the intended outcome.

Admitedly with real life you can angle the bat to ensure it is lofted/hit into the ground, but I get the feeling we'll be able to quickly work out the mechanics to get the results we intend.
So for lofted shots the angle of bat determines the loft or grounded shots...
eg: If I play a pull shot facing the bat towards the sky then its lofted and if bat faced towards ground then grounded shot is played and if you fail to know the bounce on the pitch then the chances of getting a top edge is high..Is this correct ?:)

How is the speed determined...Is it by the high bat lift or anything else?
Implementation of lofted shots sounds interesting and real life like. Bold move from BigAnt to move away from traditional dedicated loft shot button. Looking forward to see how it is implemented and how hard will it be to adapt.

Play session should give us clear picture.
The dedicated lofted shot button in previous games was pants. How many times in actual cricket matches do you see an 85mph ankle-high yorker getting smashed back over the bowlers head for six?
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But, as someone else pointed out earlier, playing with an angled bat would require you to play early. So where does the timing go. A poorly timed lofted shot is different to a well timed lofted shot. Any comment on this which I may have missed?
The more I read, the more I think the best way to approach this games nuances is basically forgetting everything we've known to date about "playing" cricket with a controller and start from there...

Button-mashing for boundaries sounds like a thing of the past... Are they?
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like seriously, can someone change the name of the thread? most of it is NOTHING to do with bowling/skills.

and maybe we could set one up that really IS for bowling/skills, and we can get some of the bowling/skills questions answered?

i have got several teams i cannot complete in CA because we haven't been told enough (anything) about some of the skills. CA goes from being a strength to just a fancy "create a sim" clone because i can't translate any of the skills/attributes into anything meaningful.
Just give me to the end of the week to get it together for you, just really flat out right now.
for thread name change - tfft!!

@ross - thanks. i appreciate you guys are gonna be very busy right now gearing up for the big activity which we all hope is imminent. that's what annoyed me - the limited time we had for bowling/skills q&a went off the rails almost immediately and we're discussing lofted shot animation when the initial questions hadn't been answered.

apologies to the forum for being "holier than thou" and i actually love a good digression when it's not just chris gayled in, but we had a great opportunity to get some important information that would have led to better/more complete players in teams and CA and we ruined it. it's us i'm annoyed at.
Could've made separate thread for lofted shot questions. Would've been nice to have found out mor info on bowling, but then I haven't used CA yet so it hasn't affected me, much rather ther get the game out so I can learn all I need about gameplay and how it effects on skills myself.
Does a higher temperature make players fatigued faster?
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