Do we need a ban list?

Do we need a ban list here?

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I think the real reason everybody wants a ban list is to find out what Tom did to get banned

If somebody explains that, then nobody will care about a ban list anymore :p

lol, quite a few people know. I told like 5 guys who post a fair bit on here... thought it would have spread by now.

I like the idea, it's not shaming, just informing. I do get some of the points Colin has mentioned and in reflection there are more bad then good.
I still don't know why Tom and Aussie Ben got banned. I'm assuming the latter got banned for just being Australian and that's fair enough I suppose. But this is actually a very rare good idea from Lee methinks.
Your right, aussie ben should of been back. Anyways...

Name and shame them, I've been banned a shedload of times, Im sure people would of liked to know why I've been banned once by colin, once by sureshot and 23 times by fatboy nixon.

Anyways, having the list is easy, gets the point across and I don't see a problem with it..

Hooper added 1 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...

Why did Tom get banned?
I still don't know why Tom and Aussie Ben got banned. I'm assuming the latter got banned for just being Australian and that's fair enough I suppose. But this is actually a very rare good idea from Lee methinks.

Tom's was racism on some guys vm. Freind I think?
Uh, what if someone else we don't know is banned?

Just open up another thread then? Seeing as this is how it has worked this time.
Well seeing as everyone seems to know anyway no need for a ban list.
It took ages for people to find that out, though, having to find out on the grapevine. If there was a ban list, simply enough they could go to that thread, check the update and then know who has been banned, who long for and why. It's not about naming and shaming, it is about keeping the members in the know. Often I go into a thread and see someone is banned but haven't got a clue why.
Well I didn't know, and now I do. There's no putting that back in the box, I am scarred for life and I'm blaming all you guys with your ban list crusade!
Well I'm sorry no-one picked up on the sarcasm in my last post.
Bottom line we don't like and we don't think it's fair but I'll make sure that everyone who is requesting one is given their own personal thread should they ever be unfortunate enough to get banned ;)
That's all from me.
this should be a private thing.
if you've got a problem with it shoot an admin an email or something. the whole forum doesn't need to know.
this should be a private thing.
if you've got a problem with it shoot an admin an email or something. the whole forum doesn't need to know.
That's where I think you're wrong. It would just solve a lot of problems and be a big help if there was a list of banned members. They don't have to be given specific reasons either, it just has to be a blanket reason e.g 'spamming' or 'flaming'.

I'm surprised by how outraged the staff are about it to be honest with you.
it would just create a whole lot of threads containing arguments as to why people were banned. how is that helping anyone?

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