England versus WI Third Test



I am starting a career mode story as I have some time on my hands, although the updates and matches will be based on the actual playing days: so playing each match on the days indicated: i.e not a load of matches one after the other. Meh, I know what I mean!

I am an opening batswoman starting out her career at Taunton in the South West of England: an old school conservative player. (I wish you could drop yourself for T20's!)

I will be simulating most of the bowling but will bat fully with my batting partners (i.e not skipping their innings either).

Lets see where this takes us shall we!

My biggest love in life is cricket. I love the darn game! I love all aspects about it, fielding, batting bowling although I am not a good bowler and don't have any ambitions in that direction. I do love the fight between bat and ball though. I love trying to stay in as long as possible. I don't always score a lot but I stick around and that's the role I have in the team and that's the role I have been given the go ahead to develop. There are more explosive players but hopefully I can be the one who provides some glue where others can play their game around. Even the step up to the first team here at my local club in Taunton is pretty daunting. For one thing the bowlers are already a lot quicker than I am used to. I have some good teammates around me who just tell me to play my natural game and don't be to greedy!

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Hitting the nets with my mate Kimberly Gordon.

We don't have the indoor nets here at the club of course but sometimes we are given access to the indoor nets at the Somerset County ground. The people there are great and really make us feel welcome. The women's county team is doing pretty well and they give us a few tips and tricks. I would dearly love to play for Somerset one day. All those famous players and the history!


Here's the Somerset County Ground where we sometimes get to practice in the indoor nets:


And here's the County Women's team: One day perhaps!!

I'm a bit of a legside player. I leave a lot on the off-side as I really struggle with my footwork sometimes but just love it when the ball comes onto the pads. But the pace of this level is a lot different than the second team and below. There you had a lot more time. I have been hitting the nets a lot trying to get the feet moving. But with the season coming up its just going to have to be learning on the job I think.

Our first game of the season is a three day game against Gloucester. They have a couple of decent bowlers and the field and pitch at Gloucester are pretty bouncy and unpredictable. I havent heard yet whether I am in the starting XI. The nets session went well and the coach said I was looking good so hopefully i get a firtst bite at cricket at this level and because its a longer format I can hopefully take my time to get in.

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Yes! I'm In! I'll be opening the batting, facing the first ball! The pitch looks bouncy and green with some cracks and if we win the toss it is likely we will have a bowl first! That's fine. Settle the nerves, be out in the field , see how the opposition deals with the bounce and pace! Excited!

The beautiful ground at Gloucester

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I'm playing!


Weather okay, pitch is pretty green and looks bouncy with a few cracks!

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Got the perfect place to see how the ball behaves! Lets see how many they can get.

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I think we did well to restrict them to 215 in the end. None of them really got going apart from there number three. Sophie Watkins bowled really well and my mate Kimberly picked up the wicket of their top-scorer so I was really chuffed for her! Stumps all over the place! But now it's my turn and I am feeling the butterflies. There will be a few nervous overs to get through tonight before the close.

Disaster! That didn't last long! Blocked the first few and went to block the fourth ball, but just down the wrong line and it took the shoulder of my bat and went through down low to the keeper. It's them feet again!

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Strike rate of 80 ?! Concentrate Caoimhe :)
Keep these coming. I am loving it!
So I have played a number of games now. In the shorter formats I have struggled as expected. I just don't do aggressive!

Every time I try to step on the accelerator I get undone. I have to get in the nets and really figure out the footwork I need to be playing for each shot.

In our latest 50 over game I managed to run both my partner out and a few balls later myself. I could died from shame. Luckily Tiffany wasn't too peeved about it. We weren't getting boundaries and we had to try and grab singles where we could.

Our opponents, the girls from Bath, played really well. There spinner was a right handful!

Just looking at my stats from the last game just shows how reliant I am on the ball coming down the legside. I have to work on getting more from the off-side otherwise my game is too one-sided. I noticed teams packing the legside a little more when i bat so they have sussed that out pretty easily!

Sorry Tiffany!


Instant Karma!



I bit leggy!

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Where we are at at the mo:

In the three day competition we are doing great. 2 wins from two!


If I compare my stats to those of Tiffany, wow, I have some work to do. She is playing really well! She's the second highest scoring batter across all formats for the season so far while i ma floundering way down below amongst the anonymous massa! How long will they persevere with me I wonder?




My first innings at our rivals Bath in the three day game. I have been working on footwork in the nets. I keep falling over to the offside too much and am really working on getting the feet to the pitch of the ball. It paid off at least with my first ever cover drive!


My usual opening partener was off sick so Skylar Robertson came in for her first match. She's a little more aggressive than me but a little slower between the wickets so we agreed that she would make the calls. Didn't want to mess up her debut with some dodgy calls from me!
My favourite shot? Well you will most often find me in this position:


A good defensive shot or well-timed leave is just as satisfying for me as a well timed drive or pull shot. I know it won't get many runs but as an opener you are also looking to get bat on ball, get the shine off, make the ball soft and out of shape.


Went for a wide ball that I should have just left! Little late and I played on!


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