Expert Cop Mafia - 03 - Endgame - Town win

Bevab is clear, he is the paranoid.

Varun wasn't paranoid because he had inno report on me.
Hamza cannot be paranoid because he had an inno on Bevab.
Abhas cannot be paranoid because ha had an inno on Hamza.
I am not paranoid either as I got inno on Abhas.

So it's now between me, Abhas and Hamza.


Now coming to naive cop.

Bevab cannot be naive as he has two guilty reports.
Abhas cannot be naive as he has guilty on me.
I am not naive as I had a guilty report on Varun.
Hamza can be naive.
Varun could also have been naive.

Now that concludes that either Varun/Hamza is naive.


Normal cop.

Bevab is paranoid, can't be normal.
I am not normal either as I had guilty on Varun.
Varun could have been normal as he had inno on me.
Hamza can also be normal for having inno reports on Bevab and me.
Abhas can be normal for having inno on Hamza and guilty on me.

3 normal cop candidates, something fishy here.


Insane cop.

Bevab cannot be insane as he is already the proven paranoid.
Hamza cannot be insane as he had an inno on Varun.
Varun can be insane.
I can be insane.
Abhas can be insane too, but if Abhas is insane then I'm clear.

Again 3 candidates for insane. Something fishy here too. But if Abhas is insane, I'm clear. Varun is already the clear. So Abhas cannot be insane.
If Abhas cannot be insane, either me or Varun is insane. But Varun cannot be insane either as I had guilty on him, proving that I'm insane.

Now this proves that Abhas is mafia.


If Varun is naive, either Hamza or Abhas is normal.
But Hamza has inno on Bevab, who is our clear, which concludes that Abhas is the mafia.

If Varun is normal, then Hamza is naive and it's between me and Abhas. And if Varun is normal, then Abhas can only be insane or mafia. If he is insane, then I'm clear as he has inno on me, which is not possible. This finally concludes that Abhas is mafia.

Game over.
Lynch count

Abhas(1) - Yudi
Yudi(1) - Abhas

With 4 alive, it takes 3 for a lynch.
Detailed posting Yudi.

Prepare a defence Abhas!:p. Or I'm going to lynch you.
Alright, it's been more than 24 hours since I made that post. Since then, Abhas did come online, also made a couple of posts but didn't care of writing anything in his defense, probably because everything is clear now and it's obvious that he is the culprit.

@Hamza and Bevab: Lynch Abhas now.
I don't know what to say in my defense. There is nothing conclusive. All you've outlined is assuming you are saying the truth.

Guys, read through it again, this time assuming he's lying, and he's the mafia, you'll be clear about it.
If you lynch me today, it's game over for you all because he'll kill one of you two at night, and that's the end.

If we lynch nobody however, we may have a chance of getting a clearer picture tomorrow, yet be in the majority.
I guess for the best interest of the game, no lynch today is the best option.

Unlynch: Yudi
No Lynch
I Will Tell My Lynch After Bevab
Its rather confusing.

I'm not in favour of a no lynch, its certain I'll be killed at night, and either of you could convince Hamza to lynch wrongly. But still, this is only a game and the result should rather not be taken seriously.

Lynch: Abhas
Lynch count

Abhas(2) - Yudi, Bevab
No lynch(1) - Abhas

With 4 alive, it takes 3 for a lynch.
Lynch Abhas
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Finally game over. :D
I still can't quite believe that not a single cop mafia game has made it to day 3. Why everyone thinks a 50;50 punt on day 2 is better than a chance of certainty on day 3 I've got no idea.
Anyway well done Yudi, Hamza and Bevab (I think!).
Abhas's no lynch just made me lynch him. If he's town, that is a very poor move. If he's mafia, that is a even more poorer move.:p
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Lynch count

Abhas(3) - Yudi, Bevab, Hamza
No lynch(1) - Abhas

The guy who was found most suspicious was lynched by other townies.
The townies started to enjoy when they realized his true identity.

He was Peter Anderson - Mafia Aligned

Winners: Yudi, Bevab, Hamza2000
Well played Yudi. :clap
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