First Features List

Something i would like to see in a cricket game is the ability to bat out of the crease...

Im not sure on the difficulties of putting it in there but here is what im thinking...

Cricket2004 for example, when the bowler is running in you have a certain amount of time to move the player left and right, well surely you can move him forward and back as well, it would give a new dimmension where a bowler would have to concentrate on length and the batsman could counter a bowlers length by batting out of his crease...

Like i said i've no idea what can and can't be implemented and this is just a suggestion but id like to see opinions on this...
I think Scatter has to keep these things close to his chest for a while. A lot of developers visit these types of forums to look for ideas and we wouldn't want any innovations to turn up in another game now would we?
throw in the fact that the difference between design intent and actual implementation is quite substantial, and i don't want to make promises that can't be kept.

although on the subject of fielding that won't be an issue - we will implement my idea for the fielding - that mush is 100% certain.

and you boys will love it... luv. it.

I hope :cool:
im not so much after a promise or anything, i just would like to know if it is something that can be implemented...
at this stage, i would say no. the batting - or more specifically, the implementation of moving the batsmen before the ball is bowled - has been the most hotly debated topic so far.

i would much rather the user has the ability to move batsman forward outside his crease than sideways along the crease. at this stage we have pretty much settled for none of the above, and that movement - both lateral and vertical - will be implemented as part of the shot selection.

that should give something away - but i ain't saying anymore than that for now... :D
once you have completed some of the stadia, etc. will you post early screenshots on the forum

(sorry if this is in the wrong thread)
Thats a good idea Scatter. I've always felt that being able to move the batsman on the crease sort of over-rid his skill in choosing the width and length of the ball.

I think the overall skill rating of the batsman should determine whether he picks up the line and length of the ball.

Personally, I think its to the detriment of the game to have a player whose best shot is an off-drive have that skill butchered by a controller who has poor judgement on the width a ball is bowled.

But, on the other side of the coin if you take the controllers ability to move in the crease away, you might as well take away his shot selection and timing. So, whichever way it is implemented is bound to cause some dissatisfaction --- just a fact of life.

If it works for the majority go with it.
horner - i'm in the process of building the site... at the moment it isn't the highest of priorities, but it should be up before too long...

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