Football Quiz Thread


Staff Member
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Jun 13, 2009
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
Instead of flooding the Transfer thread, I guess we can ask our questions here.

[*]No cheating. Don't use Wikipedia, or any other site to get info and answer the questions. There is no joy in that.

[*]vCash prize questions can be asked by the user, it is not compulsory to ask every question with a vCash prize
[*]Don't ask fake questions
[*]Questions not related to soccer should not be asked
[*]You can only make posts regarding questions, clues or doubts, answers and reason on how you got the answer. To say short, don't spam
[*]You can guess only once per post.
[*]A maximum of 3 questions can be asked at a time(totally, not by one user). Any other questions posted will not be answered, even if the space frees up.
[*]A weekly question quiz will be conducted by a set of members. The winner will receive 100 vCash, as a reward. The 2 members will be changed every week to ensure fair participation. I'll reveal more details later, and obviously it'll begin only from the next week.
[*]Maximum of 48 hours for answering a question.
[*]Maximum of TWO guesses by a member.

Keep in mind the rules and you're free to post.
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I'll just add rules so that people don't cheat.

Guess: AFC Wimbeldon?
Everton FC?
It should just be one guess a person, otherwise there's no point in shooting one [question]. Wimbledon was a good guess though.
Sweet, I'll add them. But you've got to make it two guesses per member, as there are a few of soccer fans right now.
:lol Ok.And use [ LIST ] [ /LIST ] in the first post.I know you copied my post.:p
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Bevab, you should probably list those rules in point form. Hard to read all of them in one paragraph. :p
Which British club side has won the European Cup more times than its own domestic league?

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