Game wont work...!!


School Cricketer
May 16, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I'm new to Cricket 2004 and to so hi y'all!
It's the first PC game i've bought in 5 years (usually PS2 gamer) but I was persuaded to go the PC route because of the patches available and the fact that the game seems littered with bugs. Now I see why i've not bought a PC game in 5 years....

I've installed the game OK but it won't work. I get the EA Sports "it's in the game" splash screens, the cut-scene introduction video and music but then the game hangs at the logos / licenses screen. The only way out is to turn off.

It seems a fairly serious crash as when I re-boot, the CMOS is not identifying either my secondary master or secondary slave which are both (usually) present. I have to manually restore my BIOS settings. When Windows finally restarts, I get a message informing me that the system has recovered from a serious error (like, you're not kidding?!).

Any help or advice most welcome - you can talk fairly technical and I do know my way around a computer!!

Current system:
AMD Athlon 1.1GB
NVIDIA GeForce2 64MB
20 GB HDD on Primary IDE / CD ROM as slave
5.4GB HDD on Secondary IDE / CD-Writer as slave
On-board generic Sound Blaster 16

I'm gonna to have a play around this evening and try a few things but if anyone knows what the problem is i'd be grateful. I've tried it on my work PC and it worked fine first time. Maybe i'll just play it at work instead!!


gb_11510 said:
Maybe i'll just play it at work instead!!
Why not? Everyone else does ;) , although stick cricket does suit buisness-type areas better...
he he! ;)
thing is i've just handed my notice in so i'm really looking at a longer term solution...!!
c'mon you tech-heads out there and help a newbie...

Try reducing your graphics settings to the lowest (640x480 16 bit), if it runs set at that, try upping it. Could also be a sound card issue, are you sure its a soundblaster 16, they are from the stone age!!!
Got past the logos / license screen by changing the res settings to 800x600x16 which was a result, but the game still crashes with the same disastrous effects after about 5 minutes - seems to be after the first delivery, whether in a full game or or in the nets...

Also noticed that the mouse goes beserk in the in-game menus at first but then settles down although that's the least of my worries right now. I think i've perhaps got a driver issue there.

I'm pretty sure the sound settings are Soundblaster but it's not a card as such - it uses the on-board sound. Problem is that I don't have a spare PCI sound card to try with!

Thanks for any more suggestions - i'm starting to get a bit p***ed off with the whole affair. I hope Cricket 2005 for the PS2 is going to be better - I might just stick with that!
What operating system do you have? I didn't even know you could still get SB16 drivers (I had to dump 2 pefectly good SB live 128 cards when I updated to Win2000), you could try disabling your sound card, but I suspect its best to try reinstalling the game

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