I love Math! [For all math lovers]

A very simple but funny question.
Which will be heavier, A iron ball of 100kg or 100kg of cotton?
Till date i have failed to understand Trigonometry and the best thing i never attempt trigo sums in exams :noway

i loved Construction sums easy and scoring ;)

you in Maharashtra board ? get ready dude not always the board are that easy i scored 141/150 :D
Statistics is Brill, and you can't call yourself a true cricket fan if you are no good at it. Fact.
I'll take not being called a Cricket fan over liking statistics seriously. All that median, mode, CV, standard deviation, all mug up stuff, nothing like the real skill.

Also what ^^ said.
Cricinfo - Blogs - It Figures

Where cricket and statisticians meet.

Personally I love statistics. I don't see it as mugging up at all, and I like its complexity and I like the ways you can take a huge amount of numbers and find various trends in them, and how the answer may vary, how many abnormalities there are in those numbers, and all other sorts of things. It's fun. Genuinely fun.
I would have liked statistics if it was up to us to find the trends, not the ones who wrote the text. I hate substitute-in-formula-and-get-the-answer problems.

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