iPhone 3G

But i'm happy with my G1. Google never wrongs! ;)

Except that it looks like my backside:D.

But I have high hopes about Android and look forward to the new phone from Samsung being released this year with the same.

The Omnia has a 5 MP camera as well which is brilliant. The HD version will have an 8 MP one.

m_vaughan added 1 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

So we all agreed, Simbazz buys an iphone?

You agreed. :D
Sanity prevails finally.
The firmware update the new one has will be available to the old one free of charge. Version 3 - has copy/paste etc but still not flash.
Not just yet it doesn't. Turn off flash on your PC and see how much 'fun' the internet is ;)

How is that physically possibly :p Doesn't seem like my phone can get any clearer. But apparently it can
While generally speaking more pixels=better pictures, this isn't the whole story.

Firstly depends what you are going to do with the pictures. If you are just going to upload them to your friends on the internet then clearly you don't need 12Mpix. Even if you are going to make an 8x12 photograph (thats 20x30cm for the non-English) then you are still throwing away information, even if you print it on the latest state of the art lab, let alone an inkjet at home. It does give you some freedom to crop the picture and still have decent amounts of data for imaging though. Main problem though is image quality on such small phones. Look at the size of the lenses on decent cameras, they are huge. There is a reason for this. You just don't get decent quality images from such small optics. Fine for snaps, but not for anything you'll want to be looking at still in 20years.
I have a LG viewty phone which has 5 megapixel camera. The best quality camera in a phone going around, it's sensational. Does everything i need it to do. Send txts, calls, web browsing, Music player and a awsome as camera

Unlucky mate, it's not and I can verify that for sure considering my phone has an 8 megapixel camera.
There is no substitute for iTunes yes but there are infinite applications for WinMo phones. My laptop and phone are almost like married to each other. Oh and yes the Storm, Omnia and Touch all look very nice and are very light as well.

But now that the ridiculous cut/paste thing is sorted, the iPhone should really be tolerable.
I will never use the cut and paste I don't believe.
The iPhone's awesome. I'd wait for the new one though, it'll be out very soon. Apple announced it recently, which means it's certain to be out anytime now, and I'll be upgrading as soon as I can. MMS, copy/cut and paste and all the other random improvements they announced will just make it even better. Buy one.
I use the internet a lot on my phone, including forums and email. And I do not see how one can manage without cut/paste. Its like saying you'll manage using a laptop without the Enter Key.
I've only felt like I needed the cut/paste feature on my iPhone's internet once, and I use the internet on it alot, every morning and evening at least. Certainly not as vital to browsing the net as an enter key, in my experience anyway.
I very very rarely send emails.
So what you are saying is you have money to burn on it and it looks sexy. Not sure why you are asking for advise then.Sounds to me like you don't need the functionality. I doubt the high monthly rental will be a problem for you.
I've not got money to burn, I do however have the money to buy it on pay-as-you-go, which 02 do.

I just wanted opinions from people, what they thought about it.
One thing to note with the pay as you go then is that after a year you will be charged ?10 a month to continue browsing the internet. So if you look at an 18 month period, including the phone you'll be spending a minimum of ?589. Hope you don't make a lot of calls or txts.

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