Kits extracted

damn! that's sad to hear that the kit numbers wont be editable...ea make it worse every year...they've done the same with fifa series...making it harder to edit every year!!
tom, i am getting this problem. it only occurs when i try to save keeper kits
Yeah same here. The reason is that the program looks for a path pads/keeper kit and can't find it. The slash is causing the problem. I suggest you take a screenshot and edit it from that.
That is just me being very, very bad at testing. You see, the filename is created from the caption on the option button (i.e. Pads/Keeper Kit) and windows thinks this is looking for a folder, which doesn't exist. I am a dumbass.
nah man, the program is great, you just missed one thing its all good. i can do what colin said and paste a screen shot and edit it from there, just a little bit of a detour.

at least you arent EA/HBS who miss just about everything.
Yeh Well done everybody!!! Hope we'll get to inmport files soon, pity we cant edit the Player Numbers but aw well its only a small detail doesnt really matter that much.
yeh i can see it was made in visual basic

i dont think the runtime files are needed i only seem to ned them when i download games made in VB

i have made a couple of games/programs in VB but dis one is amazing great work look forward to the editor
guys will u let me know how to put a pitchad file in the game
i have 2 pitchads
tell me how to put into the game
help me

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