Milestones Thread

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Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
Use this thread to congratulate members on reaching personal posting landmarks. Congrats most recently are due to Tutsi (1000), gold639 (2000), brad352 (3000) and m_vaughan (3000).

Here's a milestone to help you celebrate:

congrats to Tutsi, gold639, brad352 and m_vaughan for their milestones.....u guys are great
My 2000 posts

ha,Finally reached The 2000 mark I am in a great form with the bat Aint I,

It would have been more then that If I wasnt banned by The ICC Twice :p
fardin said:
ha,Finally reached The 2000 mark I am in a great form with the bat Aint I,

It would have been more then that If I wasnt banned by The ICC Twice :p

LOL! almost thrice there :p

congrats :cheers and good comeback to win the PC 2005 award after getting banned! you are an example for others to follow :D
Indian cricketer,Born cricketer,Gold,

these are youngsters who needs to follow my foot steps, :p
congrats fardin.. and yes, this should be in the Milestones forum.. there, it doesnt count towards your posts
I have moved the thread..but should fardin be banned for this? :mad:

No yaar Shailesh. Lets give him a life..lolzz.... he is our most improved member 2005. let him receive an incentive for that award
fardin said:
Indian cricketer,Born cricketer,Gold,

these are youngsters who needs to follow my foot steps,:p

Maybe you should follow in my footsteps,that way you won't be banned :p:D
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