[OD Round 6] Oct 3: Willow Wanderers vs. Brawny Bandits


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Aug 3, 2004
San Francisco, CA
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Willow Wanderers vs. Brawny Bandits at Wanderers Cricket Ground, October 3, 2010 | PCCL

Match will commence at 1000 GMT
After some depressing FC results, I think a victory here would lift team spirits up.
Yeah, we badly need a win. We will do it against the Lazy Bandits.
Please Wanderers, Remember our moto and slogan,
TEAM - Together Everyone Achieve More
Play like a unit and then nobody can stop us from victory.
Well there is a first time for everything. :p
and then you shall crash and burn :D
We'll still be top, and you'll still be second to the best :p

Abhas added 3 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Actually.. I'm quite impressed with the wanderers.
Their motto is TEAM - Together Everyone Achieve More, and everyone is equally ignorant!
Good unity there.
Yeah, lazier than us. We've got around 700 posts in our team thread while the Beandits have only 490 something! :p

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