PCWF Retribution (Show 3)


School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned

Fireworks go off around the stage as "Riot" by Three Days Grace plays signalling the start of the show here at the NEC Arena in Birmingham. Chris Greenall and Dane Tyler walk down the ramp to cheers from the crowd. Chris waves to the crowd and Dane slaps him. They take their places at the announce table.

CG: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to PCWF Retribution! Tonight looks to be a very good show. With a 6-man-tag including two rivals, two thugs, a debutant, and a Pinchinator!

DT: A Pinchinator? You make him sound like some sort of robot. But, you have a point. This show is very promising.

CG: And to remind you all at home, the first PlanetCricket Wrestling Federation Pay-Per-View is in 2 weeks!

DT: Once you've stopped wetting yourself, we've got match about to start.

"Trap Star" by Young Jeezy hits the speakers as JJS appears on stage. Instead of getting the crowd going, he completely ignores them and walks to the ring, climbing in and waiting for his next opponent.

Richard Clark: This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Number One contender's spot for the Continental Title. Entering the ring, from Dunedin, New Zealand, weighing in at 62kg...JJS!

The crowd boo him as he acts like Richard Clark hasn't said anything at all.

"This Way" by Kanye West plays as Tun Mun walks slowly to the ring to some pyros in the background.

Richard Clark: From Charlton, England, weighing in at 10 stone...Tun Mun!

"Get Stoned" by Hinder hits the speakers as Jaztheman comes out and high fives crowd members. The crowd cheer him as he climbs into the ring and waves to them.

Richard Clark: From Decalia, Cyprus, weighing in at 75kg...Jaztheman!

"Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne hits the speakers as Don Pedro comes out to the ring high fiving fans when he gets in the ring, he does a little jig to big cheers.

Richard Clark: And from Southampton, England, weighing in at 24 stone...Don Pedro!

The crowd give a huge cheer and start chanting his name.

The referee rings the bell and Don Pedro charges at Tun Mun. He launches himself at him and they both fly out the ring. JJS gets to work on Jaztheman and whips him into the ropes. He comes rebounding back quickly and JJS chops him to "wooo" from the crowd. JJS grabs Jaztheman's hair and pulls him to the turnbuckle. He slams his head into the turnbuckle several times. He tries again, though, but Jaztheman's too quick for him. He grabs his head and runs up the turnbuckle. He swings around and delivers a Sliced Bread. He goes for the cover and gets a two count before JJS kicks out.

Don Pedro props Tun Mun up against the steel steps and runs at him, baseball sliding him. He puts his arm through Tun Mun's legs and the other around his throat. He lifts Tun Mun up, spins around and performs the Matchmaker on the steel steps. He then props Tun Mun up, gets behind him, knots his arms under his armpits and links his hands around the back of Tun Mun's head. He shakes him around in the Pedro Lock, crowd cheering. He has this hold in for a good two minutes and Tun Mun is completely drained. Paramedics rush in and drag him off.

Meanwhile, in the ring, JJS is back to his feet and him and Jaztheman are sizing each other up. Don Pedro speeds through the ring at JJS and dives, attempting a spear. JJS shows lightning reactions and jumps out the way. Don Pedro flies through between the top and middle rope and crashes into the guard rail. Jaztheman uses the interference to his advantage to his advantage as, when JJS turns around he gets Jazzy bombed. Jaztheman goes for the pin, but on two, JJS manages to somehow get his foot on the rope. Jaztheman gets up and kicks the rope in anger. JJS scrambles to his feet and, when Jaztheman turns around, spears him to the ground. He locks in the "Wrappin' things up" and Jaztheman tries to reach the rope. He's almost there, but JJS drags him back to the centre of the ring. Eventually, Jaztheman gives up and taps. The bell rings and the referee raises JJS's hand.

CG: Well, a very entertaining match!

DT: It was OK. No real tactical advantages. But, the best man won.

CG: Just because it had no cheating, Dane!

Winner and Continental Championship Number One Contender- JJS!

CG: Now, I believe Dick Case has someone backstage with him. Is that right, Dick?

Dick Case flashes up on the titantron.

DC: That's right, Chris. I have with me the debutant, Shravi!

Shravi comes into view, standing next to Dick.

DC: So, Shravi, you had a hard life. How do you think you'll fare in PCWF?

S: I've been working up to this moment all my life, and tonight I have my oppurtunity against Styles, Crabbe and Goyle.

DC: Yes, you're competing against some experienced, tough wrestlers tonight. Do you think it's a bit of a hard first match?

S: Nothing is too hard for me. I've been through a lot and a couple of thugs aren't going to trouble me.

DC: OK, well thank you, Shravi. And good luck for tonight's match.

CG: Well, he seemd like a nice guy.

DT: How long's it gonna take before you realise? Nice guys get NOWHERE. I'm gonna hit you in a minute.

Sandstorm by Darude hits the speakers as Jimmy G strolls out from the back, to big boos. He tries highfiving some fans, but they ignore him, so he swears at them, to more boos. When he gets in the ring, he slowly pelvic thrusts, to even bigger boos.

Richard Clark: This match is scheduled for one fall, in the ring, weighing in at 4 stone, he's the 4'8" great...JIMMY G!

"I am the One and Only" by Chesney Hawkes hits the speakers as Blinding red lights go up on the stage and out he steps into the light, only his sillhouette visible. He raises his right index finger in his signature pose to a chorus of boos. A huge pyro explosion takes place behind him and the lights return to normal as Daniels wheels down the ramp. The referee lifts him into the ring.

Richard Clark: Entering the ring, weighing in at 208 lbs, he is The One and Only...Chesney Daniels!

Matt Case rings the bell for the start of the match, and Chesney Daniels narrows his eyes at Jimmy G. Jimmy G charges at Daniels and executes a dropkick, knocking Daniels off his chair. Daniels lies face down on the floor as Jimmy has early control on this match. Jimmy climbs to the top rope and performs a perfect frog splash. The audience look in disgust as Chez showers people in the front row with his spit. Jimmy G then drags Daniels into the centre of the ring and the crowd know it's time for a little 5 Knuckle Shuffle!

Jimmy waves his hand across his face and the crowd chant "You can't see me!"...wrong fed, but hey. Jimmy bounces off the ropes, wipes his shoulder and falls onto the floor, fist in Chez's face. Chez rolls around the ring in pain and Jimmy G dives on him again and applies the Mafia Crossface. Chez is groaning as he reaches out for the bottom rope. The crowd see that Chez has begun to cry with the pain, his face sparkling with tears. Chez then gets a look of bravery and hurls Jimmy G across the ring into the turnbuckle.

The crowd cheer as Chez performs the Chris Benoit finger across throat, indicating a special move. However, he has to crawl halfway across the ring to get to Jimmy G in the corner, who has already begun to stir.Chez leaps with all his might and energy and falls flat on his face in the centre of the ring. Jimmy G climbs to the top rope again and attempts the Spiral Tap. Chez quickly jumps up and grabs him in mid-air before his legs buckle and he falls on his front. The crowd are going ballistic as, without knowing, Chez has performed a front slam, and is now in top form.

He locks in the One Lock and the crowd are willing Jimmy G to tap, supporting Chez. Jimmy G raises his hand and, before he can tap, Chez gets his hair pulled from behind. Matt Case rings the bell as Crabbe and Goyle begin pounding Chez. Goyle slides out of the ring and picks up two steel chairs and a sledgehammer before sliding in again. Chez refuses to go down and remains upright despite Crabbe's best efforts to put him down. Chez is grinning, but isn't much longer when Goyle swings the sledgehammer wildly and connects with Chez's face, knocking a couple of his teeth out. The crowd gasp as they've never seen a wrestler do that before. Usually, when using a sledgehammer, the wrestler holds the end of the sledgehammer and just drives it into the opponent. However, Goyle just held the handle and swung it at Chez's face.

Chez is on the floor, head resting on one of the chairs. Crabbe has the other and raises high in the air before crashing it back down on Chez's head, sandwiching it between the two chairs. Blood spurts from Chez's mouth across the ring as the crowd keep booing. Riaan and McCormick run down the ramp and dive into the ring. Riaan jumps on Crabbe and they begin grappling with each other. Goyle dives out of the ring before McCormick can get to him and runs up the ramp, McCormick chasing him. Crabbe throws Riaan off him onto Chez's back and follows Goyle up the ramp. Riaan comforts Chez and the crowd cheer, admiring Chez's bravery. "I am the One and Only" by Chesney Hawkes blasts through the arena as Riaan lifts Chez into his arms and walks back up the ramp with him to big cheers.

CG: Well, I can't believe Crabbe and Goyle. They get worse every week.

DT: Are you kidding? These guys are awesome!

Winner: Chesney Daniels by DQ

Chesney Daniels flashes up on the titantron. He's in his wheelchair in the parking lot in full wrestling attire. He has a bandage around his head from after his match. A screech of tyres is heard and Chesney looks around him. Then, a car slides around the corner and speeds up. Chez is in the middle of the road and tries to move his wheels. However, they appear to be jammed and Chez just cowers feebly in his chair. The car connects and Chez flies over the bonnet, landing on his back in the middle of the road. Crabbe and Goyle step out the car, as Chez climbs back into his chair.

Crabbe: You like that, Chezzy?

CD: No, I don't, thank you very much.

They stare each other down for some time before Crabbe lifts Chez up out of his chair.

CD: What ya doin? Oh no...

Crabbe sends Chez through a car windscreen. They pull him back out again.

CD: You saved me! Thank you, boys.

Crabbe: Saved you? Ha!

Goyle opens the car door and Crabbe thrusts Chez's head in the gap. Goyle savagely rams the door onto Chez's skull. Chez's body shudders and, after about 5 or 6 gos of this, they drag him out again. His head is covered in blood and his bandages have been torn off. Someone shouts "Hey!" in the back and a man comes out.

Man: My car! Who's done this?

Crabbe and Goyle run and leave Chez slumped against the car. The man sees Chez and walks over to him.

Man: How dare you do this to my car! I paid 13,000 for this!

The man kicks Chez in the face and throws him into the middle of the road.

CG: Now it's time for our Main Event. I'm looking forward to this!

"Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace plays in the arena as Johnny Styles comes out to the stage area. He walks down to the ring, stops, does a backflip and when he lands fireworks are set off from the stage. He continues down to the ring and climbs every turnbuckle in turn laughing at the crowd.

Richard Clark: From Southampton, England, weighing in at 198lbs... Johnny Styles!

The Harry Potter theme tune hits the speakers as Crabbe and Goyle come out smirking and cracking their knuckles. They get to the ring and shake Johnny Styles' hand before laughing at the crowd with him.

Richard Clark: And his tag team partners, from Hogwarts, at a combined weight of 500lbs....CRABBE AND GOYLE!

DT: Now this team isn't one to be messed with. I don't even think they care about winning tonight's match. It's all about hurting the other team. Styles will be looking to weaken Zoraxis ahead of their title match.

CG: Now, I'm sorry, Dane. But, this is disgraceful. You're actually SUPPORTING Styles, Crabbe and Goyle ripping teams apart?

DT: Of course I am. It makes me happy seeing these young, talented wrestlers dominate.

"Dus Bahane" plays in the arena as Zoraxis Nostradamus comes out from the back. He waves to the crowd and straightens his top hat. He stops just before the ring. Styles looks at him menacingly, whilst Crabbe and Goyle continue to crack their knuckles.

Richard Clark: From, Dubai, UAE, weighing in at 65kg...Zoraxis Nostradamus!

"I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace hits the speakers as Pinchinator comes out from the back, guitar like a samurai sword over his back. He looks focused at the ring, but, like Zoraxis, stops short of it.

Richard Clark: From San Diego, California, weighing in at 68kg...The Pinchinator!

"King of Kings" plays as a smokescreen forms at the staging area. Shravi comes through the smokscreen on a low rider, pyros are set off around the stage. He gets off and climbs onto the apron with Pinchinator.

Crabbe and Goyle also go out onto the apron, so that it's Zoraxis and Johnny Styles in the ring. Matt Case rings the bell and the match is underway. Zoraxis gets stuck in straight away and locks in with Johnny Styles. The crowd chant for Zoraxis, but Johnny Styles sneaks around the back, wraps his arms around Zoraxis' waist and performs a belly-to-back suplex. Styles gets up and spreads his arms out, taunting. The crowd boo him and he walks over to Zoraxis. He lifts both Zoraxis' legs up and spreads them apart. He stamps in between and the crowd gasp and continue to boo him.

He laughs as he bounces casually off the ropes towards Zoraxis. Zoraxis rolls out the way, so Styles bounces off the other ropes. Just as Styles is turning around again, Zoraxis leaps up off the ground and dropkicks him. Both men are now on the floor and crawling to their corners. Styles gets to his first and makes a quick tag to Crabbe. The crowd are cheering as Zoraxis makes a heroic leap. However, he's dragged back up Crabbe who has hold of his leg. Crabbe drags him into the middle of the ring and starts stamping on him and talking some trash to him.

Zoraxis begins to makes his way groggily to his feet. Crabbe sprints towards Zoraxis but runs straight past him, leaps onto the middle rope and bounces off, connecting with a springboard elbow on Zoraxis. Zoraxis grabs hold of Crabbe's arm and refuses to let go. Crabbe gets back to his feet and drags Zoraxis with him. Crabbe throws Zoraxis into the corner. He then realises that he's thrown him into his team's corner. Pinchinator slaps Zoraxis on the back, making the tag. He leaps over the rope and attacks Crabbe with a flurry of punches. He pulls off a roundhouse kick to end the combo and looks to finish Crabbe off.

Goyle sneaks behind Pinchinator and low blows him. Matt Case doesn't see it, and the crowd are going ballistic! They then turn to see what had caught his attention and start watching the other battle raging between Styles and Zoraxis outside the ring. They're both halfway up the ramp and Zoraxis lifts Styles up and delivers a spinebuster on the metal of the entrance ramp. The sound echoes around the arena as Zoraxis performs a leg drop on him. Styles gets to his feet and his nose is bleeding. Zoraxis has his arms in the air to the crowd, but he doesn't realise Johnny Styles getting up.

The crowd try and turn his attention to it, but Styles pushes him off the ramp onto the floor below. Styles then salutes the crowd before executing an insane Corkscrew Moonsault off the top of ramp and landing on Zoraxis. Even though the crowd hate him, they still cheer the move and appreciate just how brilliant it was. They're both laid out and paramedics rush over to them and stretch them both off.

Back in the ring, Crabbe drags Pinchinator on top of the turnbuckle. He climbs onto the middle rope, grabs Pinchy and tries to Superplex him. Pinchinator won't give in though, and Goyle ends up pushing Pinchinator back, but forgets Crabbe is there. They both get crushed and are trying desperately to get some oxygen into their lungs. Pinchinator fell near his corner and, with all his might, reaches out and tags in Shravi. Shravi looks fired up as he charges at Crabbe and football kicks him the stomach.

Crabbe flinches and Shravi climbs up to the top rope.He signals the Frog Splash and he connects! He goes for the cover, but Goyle bursts into the ring, steel chair in hand and smacks Shravi over the head. Matt Case waves his arms and the bell is rung. Pinchinator quickly scrambles away as Crabbe and Goyle both grab chairs. They laugh and turn their attention to Shravi. Crabbe nods to Goyle, who turns Shravi over and puts a steel chair on his face. Crabbe climbs up to the top rope and leg drops onto the chair. A sickening crunch is heard and the crowd are booing Crabbe and Goyle. Goyle decides that this still isn't over and signals for Crabbe to get something while he climbs to the top rope.

Crabbe goes under the ring and picks out a table which he slides into the ring and unfolds. He lifts Shravi onto the table as Goyle Frog Splashes him through it. Crabbe and Goyle laugh as they leave the ring. Shravi's body is oddly contorted in the remains of table left in the ring. Pinchinator is standing at the top of the ramp and watched all the action. The Extremist runs out and spears him onto the ramp. He then gets up and hooks him up for a suplex. Crabbe and Goyle help and they all manage to pull off a triple suplex/death drop. The Extremist raises his arms.

CG: Now, I'm sorry, but that was horrible. Shravi is a debutant and he didn't deserve that! And The Extremist! What's he doing here?

DT: Oh no. Not one of your dorky moments again. He was in their way, they dealt with him. Simple. And The Extremist was plainly giving Pinchinator a piece of his mind.

CG: So much for fair competition. Anyway, what about Johnny Styles and Zoraxis, then?

DT: Well, this is heating up, I'm getting ready for the Golden Gamble PPV. It's gonna be awesome!

CG: Gotta agree with you, partner. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Golden Gamble is in two weeks! The first PlanetCricket Wrestling Federation Pay-Per-View. So, make sure you tune in. The only match booked so far is Johnny Styles vs Zoraxis Nostradamus, but prepare for some more in the coming week!

Winners: Zoraxis/Pinchinator/Shravi by DQ

CG: Now, enough of that, something is apparently happening backstage. Let's go there with Dick Case now.

DC: Yes, Chris, this is incredible!

Johnny Styles and Zoraxis are out of their stretchers and are now fighting backstage. Zoraxis throws Styles into the side of a locker. Styles holds his head, but as Zoraxis comes over, he superkicks him. Zoraxis falls onto a bench. Their both back to their feet in a matter of seconds and are fighting on the bench. Styles spears Zoraxis off the bench, and they both go flying into the lockers. Zoraxis crawls up the bench and jumps off, delivering a missile dropkick to Styles. Before anymore takes place, security runs in and breaks them both up.

CG: Well, things are just heating up by the second in this place!

DT: They are, and these two wrestlers will be really fuelled up for their match at Golden Gamble!

CG: Well, ladies and gentlemen. That's all we have time for! See you next week for more Golden Gamble news!
Nice show and good to see im in with Harry Potter freaks... lol
I may of won but Argh and how could i let The Extremist spear me this isnt over Harry Potter freaks one day ill beat you fair and square
Styles will DIE! :mad:

Otherwsie, good show :) You seem to have something personal against poor Chez...:p
He does appear to. I am sure it all builds to something at the PPV though

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