Photofiltre Sig making Tutorial


ICC Chairman
Mar 23, 2006
London, England
Profile Flag
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a very nice and effective signature using the simple program, photofiltre. In all i will make a few tutorials but my first one will be the simplist first.

I will be making this signature:

Step 1:
Firstly find your picture. If you are looking to make a cricketer signature, Cricinfo is the best place to look. Now once you have your picture positioned on your document (signature forum rules are 300x100) find the polygon tool

Step 2:
Now once that is selected go around the edges of your render, so in this case sachin tendulkar playing a shot. click to set the lasso around the render and click when needing to turn. This is what you should come up with by the end of cutting:

Step 3:
Then right click in the area selected and a drop down options list should appear. Click on the 'Inverted Selection'

Now you should have something looking like this:

Step 4:
Now go to Filter > Color > and choose an option from there. In this case I will be choosing grayscale but Sepia and Revive/Tarnish Colors are also good.

You can add effects before grayscaling it by going to Filter > Artistic and then choosing an effect. Smudge Stick looks good.

Now your document should look like this:

Now if there are other areas that have not been grayscaled like in between the arms, repeat step 4 by cutting that inside bit and adding your chosen color (Grayscale or Sepia ect) like so:

But remember to right click and undo the inverted selection otherwise your whole signature apart from the chosen part will be highlighted.

Step 5:
Now time to add a border around your signature. Go to the rectangular tool above the polygon tool and select the whole signature. Then go to Filter > Frame > Simple Frame

Then you should get some options to choose and set it to this

Step 6:
Now to add text. Click on this icon at the top

Now choose your font, Size, Bold/Italic, Colour and then click on the effects page to add stroke (an outside line of colour) and shadows.

You should end up with a final signature like this

Hope you found this tutorial easy to follow and hope you are able to make great signatures using photofiltre :)
There will be more tutorials on the way so watch this thread.
Thanks for the tutorial Trev. I was really stuck. By all means make more tutorials to help noobs like me. This was my first quick one, it's plain, boring but I will improve.

Not bad at all JJ and it is all down to Trev for producing a really good tutorial for beginners. Well done trev :cheers
Great effort there mate :clap

Really great 1st try :)
Thanks for the coments guys hope i can help people to become good at making graphics :cheers

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