Please report game breaking bugs only thread

Okay dont want to bother Kurt too much but I am unable to start a South African domestic tournament on 2.918. It crashes but all other tournaments work. Any idea why?
I can't able to run the game in windows 10... when i click cricket.exe nothing happens... please help...
Cricket.exe doesn't want to run after showing the Peekpoke and Cricket Heroes screens

I get the following log

RUN @ 07/01/2016 10:24:28

MAC: False
DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.913

MESSAGE: Invalid URI: The URI is empty.
STACK TRACE: at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.set_Url(String value)
at Cricket.Service.Service.set_Url(String value) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Web References\Service\Reference.cs:line 116
at Cricket.Main.GameStateProfileLogin..ctor(Boolean _register) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateProfileLogin.cs:line 65
at Cricket.Main.GameStateRegister.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateRegister.cs:line 270
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 25554
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5956

But my game is not stored under D: drive at all!
@Markkkkk: sorry mate, I haven't had a chance to look at the issue yet. I'll try to block off some time this week to have a look at it.

@dmpcs: try deleting the service.txt file in your Cricket Heroes folder and then run it again. Also make sure that you're connected to the internet at that point.

@RAGHU: please send me the error log from the game. If there's no error log you probably need to install .NET 2 (you can also install .NET 3.5 because it includes 2).

Also, our site is back up and running.
@RAGHU: please send me the error log from the game. If there's no error log you probably need to install .NET 2 (you can also install .NET 3.5 because it includes 2).
Thanks for reply... but some how game is working now... first it won't update to latest version, so i manually downloaded and update and extracted in main game folder... than i updated my anti virus app... so now everything running cool...
How to check the version of the game? @kurtkz
@Sodium: There should be a version.txt file in your folder. If you have internet the game will auto download if it finds a new version (assuming you're not on an EXTREMELY old version).
@Sodium: There should be a version.txt file in your folder. If you have internet the game will auto download if it finds a new version (assuming you're not on an EXTREMELY old version).
Today, when I tried to run the game, I got an auto-update notification. I updated my game to v2.918. I assume it is the latest version?
No help on the services.txt - it doesn't exist in my folder or any sub-folder

edit: I deleted an empty db.txt, then it ran the autouploader which donwloaded the latest version (even though I had the latest version), and it works...
Last edited:
Got a new error when trying to start a new Domestic ENG T20 tournament

RUN @ 14/01/2016 12:28:50

MAC: False
DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.918

MESSAGE: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateDomesticSelectionMenu.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateDomesticSelectionMenu.cs:line 232
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 25567
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 6176

I also cannot resume any recent game, even though there haven't been any updates since I last played the game (last night)!
And yet another crash...

RUN @ 15/01/2016 01:01:36

MAC: False
DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.918

MESSAGE: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.ContainsKey(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateChooseBowler.Process(Single ms, Int32 overrideIdx) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateChooseBowler.cs:line 1303
at Cricket.Main.GameStateChooseBowler.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateChooseBowler.cs:line 1515
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 25567
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 6176
@kurtkz can you pass some suggestion to make less wides and noballs during simulation... it is annoying to see lots of wides and noballs in a innings, specially in t20... at-least need to control noballs...

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