Politics Discussion (India)

I wouldn’t limit the old school tag to just the older generations. If anything, I’m noticing a subsection of increasingly more radical younger population in the upcoming generation that have been constantly trapped in non existent culture wars online that aren’t even applicable to India in the first place.

That is my real worry since they’re completely unwilling to apply any sort of critical thinking or don’t want to dissociate themselves from ideologies for their own betterment when they should be doing these far more than the older population who won’t even be here in a couple of decades.
If in Congress manifesto there is written they will distribute things to Muslims first, let them. If it is not written and was just a inciting speech crack whip the BJP. I am not sure what is true and what is not unfortunately now a days.
That's the thing, it isn't true. As far as i've read they talk about redistribution among vulnerable communities.
You really think a party is dumb enough to say they will give resources to a demonised minority first?
And yes, they are demonised, because the PM just called them infiltrators who will steal resources, and the BJP had tears of joy hearing it.
I wouldn’t limit the old school tag to just the older generations. If anything, I’m noticing a subsection of increasingly more radical younger population in the upcoming generation that have been constantly trapped in non existent culture wars online that aren’t even applicable to India in the first place.

That is my real worry since they’re completely unwilling to apply any sort of critical thinking or don’t want to dissociate themselves from ideologies for their own betterment when they should be doing these far more than the older population who won’t even be here in a couple of decades.
That's true. While leftist movements have always been more universalist by nature ("workers of the world, unite"), right-wing politics, and centre-left liberals have been absorbing the fights over identity politics that are prevalent in the West, due to the influence and reach of social media.
That's the thing, it isn't true. As far as i've read they talk about redistribution among vulnerable communities.
You really think a party is dumb enough to say they will give resources to a demonised minority first?
And yes, they are demonised, because the PM just called them infiltrators who will steal resources, and the BJP had tears of joy hearing it.
I have no words my friend. Dont think my no response is because what you said is wrong, I just have nothing to add. You are 100% correct.
@Bevab @ShamiLoverGlipGlops if you could expand my knowledge, why is there such a big difference in politics of north and south India?
Historical Factors where South has a long history of princely states whereas North has always been more centralized. Cultural difference which includes language that plays a crucial role. Dravidian languages create a distinct cultural identity whereas North since languages are similar there is not distinct identity. Economic development is also pretty strong and higher in South compared to North. Even though it will say some non-south states are paying more tax and GST but that does not equate to economic development.

Other crucial factors according to me also are social and caste dynamics.The social and caste dynamics vary significantly between the two regions. South India's political discourse often includes progressive stances on social justice and education, partly due to its unique caste dynamics and the influence of reform movements. North India's caste dynamics have also shaped its politics but often in different ways, with a more pronounced influence of certain dominant castes in politics.

Education and Literacy Rates and higher literacy rates in South India have fostered greater political awareness and activism among its population.

South also has major influence of regional parties that focus on local issues compared to centralized issue.
I'd always thought that PVR as Prime Minister would bridge the gap between the North & South, but alas I was wrong. The next great hope from the South was HD Deve Gowda (more a last minute choice than anything else). Thereafter, sadly, not many big name shave made it to the Union- Congress did have Manishankar Aiyar, Chidambaram who were big names, but lacked the political clout to make it to the next level.
One statistic that shocked me was that NDA’s vote share in 2019 was 45%… meaning the majority of voters voted against them.
Both India and Pakistan need to get rid of this colonial voting system of first-past-the-post. In 2018 PTI won a majority in Pakistan with 32% of the vote
One statistic that shocked me was that NDA’s vote share in 2019 was 45%… meaning the majority of voters voted against them.
Both India and Pakistan need to get rid of this colonial voting system of first-past-the-post. In 2018 PTI won a majority in Pakistan with 32% of the vote
We need to get rid of that too :crying:
cc @Bevab

Just a follow up on a couple of posts. One you mentioned from Wisden (not read that yet).

Don't know how many of you guys in India will be able to see, given the content.

I've read and watched things about Modi - there's actually been an interesting few pieces from Al Jazeera recently - so I'm not surprised to see Mr Say Jhah Snr in a similar light.

Just one of those things I thought interesting to share. Whether you view it as a western tainted perspective or not. Certainly, the last few years has eroded my trust in some sources that I'd have once seen as trustworthy. As much as anything my media literacy improving as well as my socialism XP going up.
cc @Bevab

Just a follow up on a couple of posts. One you mentioned from Wisden (not read that yet).

Don't know how many of you guys in India will be able to see, given the content.

I've read and watched things about Modi - there's actually been an interesting few pieces from Al Jazeera recently - so I'm not surprised to see Mr Say Jhah Snr in a similar light.

Just one of those things I thought interesting to share. Whether you view it as a western tainted perspective or not. Certainly, the last few years has eroded my trust in some sources that I'd have once seen as trustworthy. As much as anything my media literacy improving as well as my socialism XP going up.

Yet to read the article but Say’s Daddy is well known to be the real mastermind by plenty of people here.
Looks like status quo will be maintained. While it's not a surprise, what's interesting is the prediction of bettering the 2019 numbers. Up until the 5th phase of election, the narrative suggested otherwise - in fact it even looked like that it will be a close contest between the two parties.

The last 2 phases were a game changer?
I think the narrative in specific places was a bit challenged. The overall picture and over whelming majority was always going to rest with the NDA.

The places where BJP will be a tad worried be Maharashtra, parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. However, they seem to have made inroads into areas like South and East India. This will carry them comfortably over the minimum mark.

The place where the Congress lost-they focused too heavily on the 'abki baar 400 paar(this time beyond 400). And ofcourse, the unwarranted critique of the voting machine, right in the midst of the election. If they seriously had concerns l, should have spent the last 10 years researching a viable alternative to the ones used by the Election Commission.
Interesting day so far! Started off with a lot of pro-BJP people thinking of 400, bu the narrative has quickly changed from 'Modi-sarkar' to 'NDA-sarkar' in a matter of hours. Stellar show by the opposition

The places where BJP will be a tad worried be Maharashtra, parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
I was right here, with the exception of Bihar. Maharashtra and UP have proven to be painful. Goes to show that mere construction of temple ain't going to help you gain votes. Btw, they are trailing heavily in the temple city, which was the bone of contention for so long.

However, they seem to have made inroads into areas like South and East India. This will carry them comfortably over the minimum mark.
Wrong here again.

Final words: If the BJP doesn't get to 272 on its own, we may have a new PM. As a consensus candidate, you are probably looking at Nitn Gadkari here.

Also, with alliance partners being so fickle, they might jump ship over, given that they are lured with the correct portfolios.
Final words: If the BJP doesn't get to 272 on its own, we may have a new PM. As a consensus candidate, you are probably looking at Nitn Gadkari here.
Now that's a stretch. Even with a coalation government (and I think it won't be needed, still plenty of time left), I doubt that PM candidate will change. Modi, as face of the party, has become too big to allow this to happen. No way.

In any case, I think it's safe to say NDA is coming to power. Opposition has done enough to be in a better position than 2019, so it would be interesting to see if BJP can railroad their policies and decisions as freely as they did from 2019-2024 (some of them were achieved without even talks if I remember correctly)

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