Pro Championship Wrestling (PCW)|Did Marley ditch Cena in the Tag Match?!?! Check it out yourself..!

And, after getting some experience over Wrestling here, I'll even go to BCV's, Funky's and Suren bhai's ones:)

Binnu added 2 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

Shan, I supp you. You supp me:D:D
We are Blitzers;);)

Prithviraj and The Viper VS D- Generation X (Non - Title Match)
Table Match

Howard Finkle - This match is a Table Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Prithviraj and The Viper!!!

[Prithviraj and The Viper come to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and their opponents, the team of D - Generation X.

[D - Generation X walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. HHH checks his boots. HHH gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Prithviraj. (ring, ring, ring) puts Prithviraj in the achilles tendon hold. HHH gets up. Triple H goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Prithviraj. Prithviraj gets back to his feet. Prithviraj executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Triple H. Triple H gets up. Triple H knifehand chops Prithviraj. ]

Michael Cole - executes a knifehand chop.

[ Triple H punches Prithviraj in the head. throws Prithviraj off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Prithviraj stands up. Prithviraj trys for a DDT but Triple H avoids it. ]

Howard Finkle - HHH could use some help about now.

[HHH nails Prithviraj with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. ]

Jim Ross - That slingshot sommersault splash was very good.

[HHH moves back to his feet. Triple H takes Prithviraj out to the floor. They lockup. Stephanie McMahon Helmsley sends Prithviraj to the corner of ringside. ]

Michael Cole - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[HHH knees Prithviraj and rolls back to his feet. Now Prithviraj standing. Triple H gets hit with a dragon scerw from Prithviraj. ]

Howard Finkle - dragon screw!

[Prithviraj is back on his feet. gouges Prithviraj's eyes out. hits Prithviraj with an earringer. HHH executes the jumping sidekick on Prithviraj. ]

Michael Cole - jumping sidekick!

[HHH hits Prithviraj with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jim Ross - with a elbowdrop.

[Prithviraj uses a swinging DDT to plant HHH's head into the concrete. Prithviraj sucks chants start in the crowd. Now Prithviraj standing. Prithviraj takes HHH into the ring. Prithviraj applies an arm wrench to Triple H. Triple H is back on his feet. Triple H bites Prithviraj's arm out of desparation. HHH punches Prithviraj in the gut. ]

Michael Cole - fist to midsection!

[HHH delivers a short-arm clothesline to Prithviraj. Prithviraj short lariats HHH. HHH gets back to his feet. Prithviraj gets thrown into the turnbuckle. comes over and smashes Prithviraj's head into it. Prithviraj nails the bridging back suplex on Triple H. Prithviraj stands up. Triple H is up again. Prithviraj follows Triple H to the floor. ]

Michael Cole - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Prithviraj hits with an inverted atomic drop. Prithviraj climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on . Prithviraj rolls onto connecting with a knee. Now standing. Triple H executes a jawbreakeron Prithviraj. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a jawbreaker.

[Prithviraj is up again. Prithviraj connects with a flying knee. Triple H goes down. Prithviraj fist drops HHH on the concrete. Prithviraj gets back to his feet. Prithviraj nails HHH with an inverted DDT. Prithviraj sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Michael Cole - That inverted DDT was very good.

[Now Prithviraj standing. Prithviraj takes HHH into the ring. HHH gets up. HHH tackles Prithviraj. gets up. Now Prithviraj standing. Prithviraj knocks into Earl Hebner taking out the referee. Prithviraj picks Triple H up and executes a stomachbreaker. Prithviraj sucks chants start in the crowd. Prithviraj leg drops . Randy Orton comes to the ring. Randy Orton sets up DDTs him into the mat. Randy Orton sucks chants start in the crowd. Randy Orton hits HHH with an elbowdrop. Randy Orton stands up. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. Triple H suplexes Prithviraj. Now Prithviraj standing on his feet. Triple H Pedigrees Prithviraj hard on to the table.]

Howard Finkle - The winners of this match, D - Generation X!!!
Last edited:
I'll sign up.

As usual, I join in as two characters.

Name: Zoraxis Nostradamus
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Type of Player: Neutral
Ring Intro: Zoraxis walks out from backstage as pyros go off. He walks to the ring accompanied by Zoraxena, to huge cheers from the crowd.

Strength: 7
Speed: 7
Vitality: 7
Charisma: 7

Height: 6 feet
Weight: 160 pounds

Finisher: The Zoraxenator

Name: Zoraxena Nostradamus
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Type of Player: Clean
Ring Intro: Zoraxena walks out from backstage as pyros go off. He walks to the ring accompanied by Zoraxis, to huge cheers from the crowd.

Strength: 6
Speed: 8
Vitality: 6
Charisma: 8

Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 130 pounds

Finisher: The Zoraxenator II
Hey Prithviraj and The Viper,

Even tough Orton interfered and disturbed DX, you both lost.

Shame on you guys. :p
Name: Aouni
Hometown: Los Angeles
Type of Player:Clean
Ring Intro: Simple entry like of Kurt Angel.
Strength: 8
Speed: 6
Vitality: 7
Charisma: 7
Note: The sum of Speed, Strength, Vitality and Charisma should not exceed 28)

Height: (Feets) 6"9'
Weight: (Pounds) 245 lbs

Finisher: Brain Storm
Thanks for registering to PCW Aouni

You are added to the roster

Yudi added 6 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Current Rivalries

  1. Randy Orton --> D - Generation X
  2. Maria --> Mickie James
  3. RippertoSipper --> Marley
  4. Prithviraj and The Viper --> The Legacy

Current Alliance

  1. Triple H and Shawn Michaels (DX)
  2. The Undertaker and Kane (BOD)
  3. The Viper and Prithviraj
  4. Zoraxis and Zoraxena
Good work Yudi. I do not have time to create a story but if you want I can send you screen shots of game and you can build story around it.
Name: bcvstheworld
Hometown: The other world
Type of Player: Mysterious (neither clean nor dirty)
Ring Intro: The lights go out,everything's the same when they're back in a couple of seconds except that you'll find me standing in the middle of the ring with a sadistic smile on my face.
Strength: 10
Speed: 1
Vitality: 10
Charisma: 7

Height: 6'4''
Weight: 267 lbs

Finisher: "What in the world???" (Its a powerbomb-pile driver combo which even Goldberg can't kick out of)

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