Test Matches


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
I decided to give a test match a try.
England vs Australia at Sydney
Below is the worst pacing and AI I have ever seen in a cricket game bar none. I'm not normally over-critical of cricket games and try to look for the positives but when a team scores at 10 an over against me in a test match and runs four of their players out you just sit there thinking how on earth did this ever get past testing?
I played quite a few tests in BLIC05 and am quite a good bowler. In this game there was no attempt to play a single defensive shot, no consolidation after the loss of wickets, 4 runouts that would have been criminal in an ODI and a runrate that is 3 times the rate of scoring in test matches.
Tom told me he had had this experience but even then I couldn't quite believe it until I gave it a go myself and this happened.
This means that tests are out for this game. You can't play them online as you can't save and offline they are totally unplayable. At a stroke my favourite part of cricket has been taken away.
In 2005 I defended Codemasters against accusations that BLIC2005 was too arcadey and not for serious cricket fans or gamers. I can't do that anymore.


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Ugh. 4 runouts in a test match pretty much confirms they were told to 'ship it or else' (unless they got the 10 over AI mixed up with the test match, somehow). I'd guess a patch from CM is pretty unlikely, and everything looks so hardcoded that we can't even fix it. At least you've saved me ?30 quid :(
I had intended to play the whole match but I couldn't; I just had to quit before I broke something.
I declared my 1st innings after 5 overs and bowled again. I quit because they were 60/0 after 4 overs and I couldn't take what Codemasters have done to one of the most beautiful games in the world - test match cricket.
15 runs per over in a test match. I'm totally out of words to describe how much that upsets me.
I played a test match against Pakistan as England on test level and bowled them out for 15, with about 5 caught behind, 3 bowled and 2 run outs. The bowling really is too easy on this game.
AFlintoff said:
I played a test match against Pakistan as England on test level and bowled them out for 15, with about 5 caught behind, 3 bowled and 2 run outs. The bowling really is too easy on this game.
:eek: That sounds extremely easy!
Punk Sk8r! said:
So EA Cricket 07 wins then, bah its easier to patch to!

No game should need patching as much as Cricket07 and BLIC07 have/need to be. Mods on other games are generally just scenary. I think any game where gameplay is so bad should be returned to the purpotrators offices personally. I say those with the game march to Lemington Spa! :p

I think the worst thing is that Codies have deliberatley made it very difficult to edit the game, which would be fine if the game was brilliant. It seems incredibly disrespectful to the people that buy the game and Planetcricket as a whole as that implies that patchers here aren't trustworthy and somehow ruin their product (though, that would take some doing!).

It seems that Codies have aimed the game at non-cricket fans or 'muggles' (:p ) if you will, which is weird considering most of the people buying it will be cricket fans.
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Cowburn199 said:
Dissapointing, i'm a huge test fan myself.

Im also a fan of playing test matches (although i normaly end up exiting before i complete the match lol) but i think codemasters where focusing on the one day cricket side of the game more than the test match side. The only thing i could say is just play a test match with a friend or play online if you have it on the pc or xbox360 and tell who ever your playing it with to play it realisticly
It's such a shame, as the basic mechanics are there for a multiplayer game, but they seem to have completely ballsed up anykind of single player experience. It's all very well delievering a good online game, but it's almost criminal to forget about the single player gamers.
@Barmy - i thought test matches had all fake names etc? How come the names in your test match there are accurate?
legend_master said:
@Barmy - i thought test matches had all fake names etc? How come the names in your test match there are accurate?

PC version thus editable with a hex editor (or Tom's program).
I'm not sure what's more worrying. That I believed all the stuff they spouted at the open day, or that they believed it...

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