The Dark Knight Rises [Warning: Use spoilers tag]

Sure, but at times he leaves too much for interpretation I feel, which just leaves us confused most of the time.

How could you be confused by the Dark Knight? I was sat texting throughout and still knew what was happening.
Worst movie I have seen in a long time.

Proof that people are getting stupider and easier to amuse.

They couldn't even kill him off, had to do that lame ass twist showing him alive in Europe afterwards

Anne Hathaway and "Robin" should kill themselves for this performance
The ending was right and best moment imo. Because you can see in both ways as Alfred can be imagining about Bruce in bar as he stated in the beginning that he dreams of seeing him in bar. It's not clear. Plus Batman has never died in comics. And surely the performance of 2 characters can't be reason to hate whole movie?
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Shouldn't have done anything related to death then, the last thing that comes to your mind while watching a Superhero flick is 'does he die?' and Nolan, as smart as he is just tried to take advantage of that, don't think it worked though.
The ending was right and best moment imo. Because you can see in both ways as Alfred can be imagining about Bruce in bar as he stated in the beginning that he dreams of seeing him in bar. It's not clear. Plus Batman has never died in comics. And surely the performance of 2 characters can't be reason to hate whole movie?

If you mean Bruce Wayne doesn't die: Check This. Like Epic says, it just didn't work.

P.S: Why are we using spoiler tags?:p
Yeah, Bruce Wayne is killed off in the comics, although technically not by his father.
As for the movie ending,
Bruce was never meant to don the Batsuit forever. He realized in Dark Knight that he couldn't keep doing this forever, and in DKR he also realizes that he does in fact "see only one end to [his] journey", like Alfred says. He was always a mere man, so being able to call it a day, and get a "fresh start" with Selina shows a willingness to embrace normalcy of the human being that he is, and courage to leave Gotham in the hands of its people for good.
If you mean Bruce Wayne doesn't die: Check This. Like Epic says, it just didn't work.

P.S: Why are we using spoiler tags?:p

They apparently do that to sell more issues, kind of the way Nolan tried to sell the movie. :p
Worst movie I have seen in a long time.

Proof that people are getting stupider and easier to amuse.

They couldn't even kill him off, had to do that lame ass twist showing him alive in Europe afterwards

Anne Hathaway and "Robin" should kill themselves for this performance

That twist worked because even though Batman is the superhero, people develop that strong sympathy and good feeling for the character that becomes Batman. So when Batman took the bomb away and didn't look like returning, I saw people in the hall crossing fingers and when we all saw Bruce Wayne, we let out a roar.... That's the impact achieved by Nolan. It might look a little cliched, but it worked wonderfully.

Did you like "The Dark Knight"? What did you think about that? Probably you seem to be hardening yourself too much and raising your bar a little too high.
A movie series against all superhero cliches has the biggest cliched ending, how ironic.
The ending confused me, but I have no problems with it (except for Blake (or Robin) inheriting the Batcave which I felt unnecessary, but I still don't mind). They wasted (Jim) Gordon though; he hardly played a significant role in the movie, being confined to the hospital most of the time, which I didn't expect, after they portrayed him as a much profounder character in TDK.

I need to watch it again perhaps, but after two weeks when the excitement and the high feeling has certainly completely worn down, I don't really think it even comes near TDKR. For example I can't recall any actions or quotes from the movie which I can marvel at. In TDK, there were plethora of them, including just about everything from Heath Ledger as The Joker. That might be because I watched TDK twice on consecutive days, and that I couldn't understand half of Bane's words, but still, I don't feel there were many.

Talking about Bane, his character as a villain was much weaker than the Joker, and Talia-al Ghul (or the actual villain as she might be considered to be) who could've been more deep as a character was weak as well. But let's avoid it by saying that this film was more about Batman and Bruce Wayne and his redemption than any villain and a satisfactory development of the characters was obtained in the rather limited movie time. Thus, the final thing is that Bruce Wayne achieved his redemption and showed he was the true superhero of Gotham. I am satisfied, but not enthralled.
Talia wasn't even in the movie to the point where you could say "----, it was her all along".

It might seem like I'm simply just pointing out the negatives and hating on the movie, I'm not, I liked it tbh.
Finally watched it lol. Nolan has set an unbelievably high standard for superhero films.

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