Tutsi's A.I. Patches

Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 5.1 : Update Edition

well this is the update patch from 5.0 to 5.1

a couple of issues which i forgot to fix and update in 5.0 have been done in this version.

i'm really sorry coz u might have to replace ur stumps and pitchads once again. i'm really sorry for that.

**You will need a gob file which has my 5.0 patch installed on it. no other changes should be there on it.

sorry for this but u must understand that i'm not a pro. developer. i do not work for EA or some other company. i just create patches to improve the cricket 2004 gameplay. it is not done on a commercial basis and i do not earn from it. it's just my intrest/hobby that i like to create patch and share it with all of you so that u can also make ur game better and get some sort of a relief thinking that well the money spent to bought the game was not a total waste.

i think this version is nearly perfect and i don't think an update will be require for quite a while now.

as usual....any comments are welcomed.

i need some reviews....u all have supported me a lot and have made my last patch 4.1 a big success.

i hope the same for this.

thank you.
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HI Tutsi just downloaded 5.1 pitch ads and stumps
are still in also u do not have to apologise for anything
if it were not for u guys and this forum this game
would have been in bin long time ago
thanx for all the time and effort u have put into this game
no, no, no dont get me wrong....its just that i keep three orginal gobs as backup, one gob with the great barmyarmy's kit update, another gob which also has some update(i think sam's patch), and another two for experimenting. So at times I am all lost finding the proper gob file. And in the process of replacing and deleting stuff, I might lose the original gob file, and then have to reinstall/repair the game again. Its happened b4, but its all part of the game.

I am using v4.1 currently, and I must admit it is a great patch and a big improvement from all the patches that I have used before. Tom did a great job in releasing that patchmaker, and I thought at that time, that the gob problems were over.

Anyways, I guess v5 is going to be better than v4.1, and v5.1 even better. So if I do use it for the next two months, I dont think it should cause anyone any problems.

why not just make an AI patch with no cosmetic bearing ie. (no kit updates, faces, pitchads or stumps) and then if people want to install their own kits, faces etc. over the patch then so be it...I like using the patches on offer here but some of the kits (especially the Aussie Test kit) are looking shabby and I have to use them if I want the patch to work...

not a criticism, just a suggestion...:cool:
Hi Tutsi.

Love your patches have stuck with them and just downloaded 5.1. Have noticed though that in ODI Hard Mode 50 overs, the CPU edges nearly all deliveries short outside off stump. These all fly to wicket keeper. Tried this in Green and hard pitches. What adjustments can be made in the GOB files to change this.
Hi tutsi man ur patch is great
but why cant you patchers develop such a patch which does not require a unpatched Gob file.
if u can develop such a patch which does not requires a unpatched gob file then it will be great coz we can install it in any situstion.
my game was pak vs england sunny and normal pitch. i wonder if the v 5.1 will make it harder to score
Hi Tutsi, I played a test match with your 5.0 patch. It is great. Edges occurs on green pitch, spin does its job on dusty pitch and batting is little harder. Altough straight drive is very hard, it geos to either mid on fielder or mid off ones, so no use of it. But the conclusion is its great patch. I will try your 5.1 patch on it. Then I will response you.Bye for Now
5.1 is a must absolutely brilliant
this is how the game should have looked
and played great work TUTSI
Originally posted by tommyhorn33
5.1 is a must absolutely brilliant
this is how the game should have looked
and played great work TUTSI

Whats new in 5.1? I had downloaded it but still I has to apply and play. Can you tell me why it makes a more difference than any other?
Great patch! Ive tried a few of the others and I must say that this one feels just about right for me. Thanks a lot for all the effort, much appreciated.

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