TV coverage & commentators of the world

What I like about Sky, is that the ECB doesn't control it. The BCCI has multiple mandates on what the commentators can and can't say. For example, team selection, captaincy etc. etc.

I think thats unfair ... I have seen Captaincy decisions criticised all the time on TV. Also Team Selections. When the team plays well, the guys are praised and when they lose they are criticised.

Also BCCI doesn't control the commentators, yes they have two commentators to put across BCCI's point of view, but to say that it means the entire commentary team is controlled by the BCCI and the captaincy and team selection or poor batting or poor bowling never criticised is unfair. I remember Dhoni getting plenty of criticism during the run of four overseas test tours not working out well, and also I have seen bowlers being criticised when they bowled poorly and batting criticised during collapses.
Never heard of Star, but can't believe you stuck David Lloyd in the list! Bumble is rubbish! I do like him cos he makes me laugh, but he is comedy value only these days! Nasser Hussain and Atherton speak good stuff, and Shane Warne is a very observant commentator.
Never heard of Star, but can't believe you stuck David Lloyd in the list! Bumble is rubbish! I do like him cos he makes me laugh, but he is comedy value only these days! Nasser Hussain and Atherton speak good stuff, and Shane Warne is a very observant commentator.

Bumble is so likable because of his accent and because he's funny. He's not a wealth of knowledge but he's really unique. And he doesn't talk crap.

Atherton is a depression pill and he ALWAYS states the obvious.

Shane Warne is very good, but he's terribly biased. I can't begin to imagine hearing him in a match where Michael Clarke is the man of the match. I still remember the WC final where he went on and on about 'Michael Clarke' and his jersey no.23 which he had passed on. He was heaping praise on him as if Clarke won them the WC. In my opinion, I've never seen a WC winning side which had it's leader with lesser input than that of Clarke. He was a journeyman in what was a dynamic side and when you put him in the same sentence as McCullum in 2015, it sounded absolutely ludicrous and desperate. Basically what Shane Warne did. Also, his media trial of Ali Cook was quite pathetic.

He has a lot of knowledge, but he's MC's mouthpiece.
My favourites are Wasim, Ganguly, Mark Nicholas, Morrison, Bumble and Dravid.
Also, Russel Arnold, Arun Lal and Alan Wilkins aren't bad either. Dean Jones is absolutely terrible ( why is he still allowed to commentate after the "terrorist" incident?).
Alan Wilkins is a very good pick. I just love Mark Nicholas.

Russell Arnold is unbearable.

How do you get to hear Alan Wilkins? He's contracted to Star.
Alan Wilkins is a very good pick. I just love Mark Nicholas.

Russell Arnold is unbearable.

How do you get to hear Alan Wilkins? He's contracted to Star.
I watch cricket only via streaming.
Okay. Are there any other Pakistani commentators we don't know? There's one on ten whose name I don't know.
Okay. Are there any other Pakistani commentators we don't know? There's one on ten whose name I don't know.
You mean Bazid Khan? He's not bad when commentating in ODIs and t20s, but in tests he's awful.
Apart from him, Amir Sohail did commentary in the Bangladesh tour, but he isn't contracted to Ten Sports.
Also there is a guy named Chishty Mujahid who works for PTV Sports and sometimes commentates for Ten.
how have we managed to get two pages into a thread without someone giving the correct opinion that the only way to watch any series involving England is to mute the TV and use Test Match Special for audio. This is also the case with Australia and the ABC; especially if its a home series and you are stuck with Channel 9. They have McGrath for the Ashes and he's really interesting and good

Also everyone currently involved with channel 9 is terrible although i think that's because they are told to be: that has to be the reason since Warne is almost bearable and sometimes interesting when he's away from his pals.
how have we managed to get two pages into a thread without someone giving the correct opinion that the only way to watch any series involving England is to mute the TV and use Test Match Special for audio. This is also the case with Australia and the ABC; especially if its a home series and you are stuck with Channel 9. They have McGrath for the Ashes and he's really interesting and good

Also everyone currently involved with channel 9 is terrible although i think that's because they are told to be: that has to be the reason since Warne is almost bearable and sometimes interesting when he's away from his pals.

In India how do we get test match special audio?

Wish there was some kind of option on the IPL also. Most of the knobs are there in the IPL.
All of the commentators are terrible imho. All of them are controlled to an extent by the boards giving the tv rights hence no true opinion and all sugar coating...
Bumble is so likable because of his accent and because he's funny. He's not a wealth of knowledge but he's really unique. And he doesn't talk crap.

Atherton is a depression pill and he ALWAYS states the obvious.

Shane Warne is very good, but he's terribly biased. I can't begin to imagine hearing him in a match where Michael Clarke is the man of the match. I still remember the WC final where he went on and on about 'Michael Clarke' and his jersey no.23 which he had passed on. He was heaping praise on him as if Clarke won them the WC. In my opinion, I've never seen a WC winning side which had it's leader with lesser input than that of Clarke. He was a journeyman in what was a dynamic side and when you put him in the same sentence as McCullum in 2015, it sounded absolutely ludicrous and desperate. Basically what Shane Warne did. Also, his media trial of Ali Cook was quite pathetic.

He has a lot of knowledge, but he's MC's mouthpiece.

Bumble does have loads of knowledge. After all he's not only played but been an umpire, but he doesn't show it when he commentates! He is a welcome relief though.

I disagree with your opinion on Atherton. Yeah he is a bit depressive, but he doesn't just state the obvious. He is bang on the money when it comes to field placements.

There is a lot to dislike about Warne, but being a leg spinner myself, I obviously am very keen on the fella, just wish he wasn't an aussie! But yes, he is biased and was very harsh on Cook. I haven't heard him be quite so disparaging of Clarke this summer. But he does talk a lot of sense.

I dislike Gower, he is very dull and also Bob willis, who does The Verdict programme is soooooo depressing.

Nick knight is a great commentator and should be doing Test Match commentary. I'd replace him with Mikey, who doesn't have much to add.
I dislike Gower, he is very dull and also Bob willis, who does The Verdict programme is soooooo depressing.

Nick knight is a great commentator and should be doing Test Match commentary. I'd replace him with Mikey, who doesn't have much to add.

Oh the horror! How can someone like Nick Knght?

Gower in my opinion is really good, can be a bit boring because there is a lot of awkward silence but when he does speak, it makes sense. You can't replace Michael Holding with anyone mate, that guy is brilliant.

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