OTHER What other sports should Big Ant do?

I think they should make hockey games as there is no real hockey game out there. Hockey fans will really appreciate this..

Agreed - Union should be looked at - Its huge yet still lacking a really good game. Sidhe kinda let down the community with their second attempt - RC2.


A Baseball game..I would love to see that..I don't think so there are much of them present.

U are kidding right?? Have you not seen MLB the show 13? Its the best sports franchise on the market?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Noticed that too, went back on them a couple days ago thinking "I must have missed heaps!" There was about three threads with unread posts, and I hadn't been on for a good few months.

At least they are not the worst now - ................. Ashes 13 What a joke.

Big Ant dont worry about ashes anymore release your game now.
First of all they need to get this dbc14 out..then we will think about other sports titles..think about present:facepalm
DBC15 on PS4!!! Getting mine tomorrow, cant wait :D

Still getting DBC14, will be my last purchase on PS3 :yes
Polo, bull fighting, billiards, darts, croquet, baton twirling, mountain unicycling, paint ball, skeleton, marathon running, British bulldogs, tug of war, slot car racing, laser tag, hide and seek, letter boxing, back packing, keep away, dominoes,
rattle snake round up, cock fighting and bear baiting.
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